Section 246-500-055 - Human remains reduced through natural organic reduction(1) Other than the provisions of this section and WAC 246-500-010, this chapter does not apply to human remains after natural organic reduction.(2) A natural organic reduction facility operator shall:(a) Collect material samples for analysis that are representative of each instance of natural organic reduction using a sampling method such as described in the U.S. Composting Council 2002 Test Methods for the Examination of Composting and Compost, Method 02.01-A through E;(b) Analyze each instance of reduced human remains for physical contaminants. Reduced remains must have less than 0.01 mg/kg dry weight of physical contaminants which include, but are not limited to, intact bone, dental fillings, and medical implants;(c) Analyze, using a third-party laboratory, the reduction facility's reduced human remains according to the following schedule:(i) The reduction facility's initial 20 instances of reduced human remains for the parameters identified in Table 500-A, and any additional instances of human remains necessary to achieve 20 reductions meeting the limits identified in Table 500-A;(ii) Following 20 reductions meeting limits outlined in Table 500-A, analyze, at minimum, 25 percent of a facility's monthly instances of reduced human remains for the parameters identified in Table 500-A until 80 total instances have met the requirements in Table 500-A;(iii) The local health jurisdiction may require tests for additional parameters under (b) and (c) of this subsection;(d) Not release any human remains that exceed the limits identified in Table 500-A;(e) Prepare, maintain, and provide upon request by the local health jurisdiction, an annual report each calendar year. The annual report must detail the facility's activities during the previous calendar year and must include the following information: (i) Name and address of the facility;(ii) Calendar year covered by the report;(iii) Annual quantity of reduced human remains;(iv) Results of any laboratory analyses of reduced human remains; and(v) Any additional information required by the local health jurisdiction; and(f) Test for arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, and selenium, and either fecal coliform or salmonella in reduced human remains to meet the testing parameters and limits identified in Table 500-A. Table 500-A Testing Parameters
Metals and other testing parameters | Limit (mg/kg dry weight), unless otherwise specified |
Fecal coliform | < 1,000 Most probable number per gram of total solids (dry weight) |
or | |
Salmonella | < 3 Most probable number per 4 grams of total solids (dry weight) |
and | |
Arsenic | [LESS THAN EQUAL TO] 20 ppm |
Cadmium | [LESS THAN EQUAL TO] 10 ppm |
Lead | [LESS THAN EQUAL TO] 150 ppm |
Mercury | [LESS THAN EQUAL TO] 8 ppm |
Selenium | [LESS THAN EQUAL TO] 18 ppm |
(3) A local registrar, in cooperation with the Washington state funeral and cemetery board, may issue a burial-transit permit for disposition of human remains reduced through natural organic reduction. The permit for the disposition of remains reduced through natural organic reduction may be used in connection with the transportation of remains reduced through natural organic reduction by common carrier or other means.(4) The local registrar or the department of health may issue a burial-transit permit for the disposition of human remains reduced through natural organic reduction which have been in the lawful possession of any person, firm, corporation, county, or association for a period of 45 days or more. This permit will specify that the disposition of remains reduced through natural organic reduction must be consistent with Washington state laws and rules.Wash. Admin. Code § 246-500-055
Adopted by WSR 21-01-039, Filed 12/7/2020, effective 1/7/2021Amended by WSR 23-09-027, Filed 4/12/2023, effective 5/13/2023Amended by WSR 24-15-129, Filed 7/23/2024, effective 8/23/2024