Section 240-20-420 - Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, surface transportation program, statewide competitive program account - Criteria(1) Projects selected for funding from the statewide competitive program account shall be consistent with the following criteria:(a) Local, regional, and state transportation plans;(b) Local transit development plans; and(c) Local comprehensive land use plans.(2) The following criteria shall be considered:(a) Objectives of the Growth Management Act, the High Capacity Transportation Act, the Commute Trip Reduction Act, transportation demand management programs, federal and state air quality requirements, and federal Americans with Disabilities Act and related state accessibility requirements; and(b) Energy efficiency issues, freight and goods movement as related to economic development, regional significance, rural isolation, the leveraging of other funds including funds administered by the committee, and safety and security issues.(3) In addition to the criteria identified in subsections (1) and (2) above, the committee may choose to identify additional criteria for program and project selection for the statewide competitive program. Such criteria shall be subject to public hearings as required by federal law, and shall be identified in the application guidelines.(4) The committee shall prepare application forms and guidelines to assist eligible applicants and ensure their distribution to all eligible applicants no later than thirty days prior to the date on which the applications must be submitted.Wash. Admin. Code § 240-20-420
Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.66 RCW. 94-10-030 and 94-11-081, § 240-20-420, filed 4/28/94 and 5/16/94, effective 5/1/94 and 5/16/94.