Section 230-07-115 - Duties of charitable or nonprofit gambling managersCharitable or nonprofit gambling managers must:
(1) Be knowledgeable of the laws and rules that relate to the operation of the gambling activities and the restrictions on the use of funds made from gambling activities for which they are responsible; and(2) Supervise the gambling activity, including all secondary activities, such as retail sales, conducted along with gambling activities; and(3) Ensure: (a) The business premises are maintained in a safe condition and persons participating in the activity are reasonably protected from physical harm; and(b) Fair and equal participation by players in gambling activities; and(c) All records are completed and correct; and(d) All funds are disbursed or invested according to the directions of the officers or governing board and are used solely to further the charitable or nonprofit purpose(s) of the organization; and(4) Protect: (a) The public from fraud; and(b) The organization from players or workers committing illegal acts; and(c) All gambling assets of the organization from misuse or theft; and(5) Safeguard funds or other assets made from gambling and secondary activities for which he or she is responsible until directly deposited in the organization's bank account.Wash. Admin. Code § 230-07-115
Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. 07-10-032 (Order 609), § 230-07-115, filed 4/24/07, effective 1/1/08.