Section 230-07-150 - Financial statements required for Groups III, IV, V, and electronic raffle licensees(1) In addition to information required in WAC 230-07-145, charitable or nonprofit licensees in Groups III, IV, V, and electronic raffle licensees must also submit complete financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).(2) Licensees in Groups IV and V must have the financial statements prepared by an independent certified public accountant.(3) The statements and all required disclosures or footnotes no later than one hundred twenty days following the end of the licensee's fiscal year.(4) The financial statements must include: (a) A statement of financial position;(b) A statement of activities. This statement may be presented in a consolidated form if licensees provide the details of each component as supplemental information. Licensees must present revenue and expenses for each activity separately as follows: (i) Each gambling activity; and(ii) Retail sales conducted in conjunction with gambling activities;(c) A statement of cash flows;(d) A statement of functional expenses;(e) In addition to all disclosures required by GAAP, the financial statements must disclose the following:(i) Loans to or from officers, board members, and employees: We will not consider employee salary advances of five hundred dollars or less as loans. Details of all terms, including interest rates and payment schedules, must be disclosed;(ii) All civil penalties, fines, bribes, or embezzlements incurred or discovered during the period; and(iii) An explanation of any adjustments made to prior period capital accounts or net asset balances;(f) An explanation of material differences between amounts reported on gambling activity reports and the financial statements.(5) We may require additional information to ensure completeness of the information reported.(6) We may grant an organization additional time to submit the information required if a written request is received before the due date. The president of the organization must sign any request for additional time and include a statement explaining the hardship causing the delay, and the expected date the required report(s) will be submitted.Wash. Admin. Code § 230-07-150
Amended by WSR 21-21-079, Filed 10/18/2021, effective 11/18/2021Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070 and 34.05.353. 08-11-037 (Order 626), § 230-07-150, filed 5/14/08, effective 7/1/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. 07-10-032 (Order 609), § 230-07-150, filed 4/24/07, effective 1/1/08.