Section 210-02-020 - Application for certificate of eligibility School districts may apply for a certificate of eligibility at any time during the year by filing the application with the state treasurer. Such an application, however, must be submitted to the state treasurer no less than thirty days prior to sale of bonds for which the guarantee, if granted, will apply. Applications, and all other written communications pursuant to the guarantee program, shall be addressed to the School Bond Guarantee Program, Office of the State Treasurer, Legislative Building, 2nd Floor, P.O. Box 40200, Olympia, Washington 98504-0200. The application shall include:
(1) The name, county, and district number (if applicable) of the requesting school district;(2) The name of the authorized district official for the requesting school district;(3) The name of the underwriter, if known, financial advisor (if any) and bond counsel assigned to the financing of the requesting school district to which the guarantee will apply;(4) The mailing address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address (if applicable) of the requesting school district;(5) A copy of the district's ballot proposition resolution, showing details of the special election (date, amount, ballot title) at which the bonds were approved by the voters;(6) The not-to-exceed amount the district is currently requesting be guaranteed pursuant to its application;(7) An allocation report in the form provided by the state treasurer, identifying, by ballot issue, the principal amount of any bonds previously issued pursuant to the ballot proposition resolution(s) authorizing the bonds, plus any net original issue premium associated with such previously issued bonds that was deposited in the capital projects fund and any remaining authority to issue bonds pursuant to such ballot proposition resolution(s);(8) A copy of the resolution passed by the school district's board of directors (which may be the same resolution as the district's ballot proposition resolution) authorizing the application for a certificate of eligibility;(9) A certificate signed by an authorized district official: (a) Stating whether the school district has any bonds, the principal of or interest on which has been paid by the state under the act, and for which there remain outstanding any payment obligations of the district to the state;(b) Stating that the school district is, and will remain, in compliance with these administrative rules as currently set forth or later amended; and(c) Attesting to the accuracy and completeness of the materials provided.(10) A nonrefundable application processing fee of one hundred dollars; and(11) Any additional materials that may be required by the office of the state treasurer in support of the application for participation in the guarantee program. In addition to the above requirements, any application that includes bonds to be refunded must also provide a copy of the ballot resolution(s) relating to each series of bonds to be refunded.
Wash. Admin. Code § 210-02-020
Amended by WSR 14-06-107, filed 3/5/14, effective 4/5/2014Statutory Authority: Chapter 39.98 RCW. 00-11-023, § 210-02-020, filed 5/9/00, effective 6/9/00.