- Section 208-620-800 - What definitions are applicable to proprietary reverse mortgage products under the act?
- Section 208-620-805 - Does this part (WAC 208-620-800 through 208-620-850) apply to the FHA approved home equity conversion mortgage (HECM) product?
- Section 208-620-810 - What requirements must I meet before offering or making proprietary reverse mortgages to Washington residents?
- Section 208-620-820 - What specific loan terms and conditions are allowed or required in the proprietary reverse mortgages I make to Washington residents?
- Section 208-620-825 - What reverse mortgage program information must I submit to the director for approval before offering or making proprietary reverse mortgages?
- Section 208-620-830 - What disclosures or statements must I provide to a borrower in a reverse mortgage transaction?
- Section 208-620-835 - Under what circumstances will the department determine that the making of a reverse mortgage was unsuitable for a particular borrower and therefore an unfair and deceptive practice in violation of RCW 31.04.027?
- Section 208-620-850 - What is the process I must follow to obtain the department's approval of my proprietary reverse mortgage product?