Chapter 200-110 - Local government self-insurance health and welfare program requirements
- Section 200-110-010 - Preamble and authority
- Section 200-110-020 - Definitions
- Section 200-110-030 - Standards for management and operation - Adoption of program
- Section 200-110-040 - Standards for solvency-Program funding requirements
- Section 200-110-050 - Nondiscrimination in contributions
- Section 200-110-060 - Standards for operations-Standards for management-Disclosures
- Section 200-110-070 - Standards for operations - Standards for management - Wellness programs
- Section 200-110-080 - Standards for operations - Standards for solvency - Termination provisions
- Section 200-110-090 - Standards for management-Standards for operations-Financial plans
- Section 200-110-100 - Standards for management-Standards for contracts-Third-party administrator contracts
- Section 200-110-110 - Standards for contracts-Joint self-insurance programs-Competitive solicitation standards for consultant contracts
- Section 200-110-120 - Standards for claims management-Claims administration
- Section 200-110-130 - Standards for management and operations-State risk manager reports
- Section 200-110-140 - Standards for operations-Program changes-Notification to the state risk manager
- Section 200-110-150 - Standards for management and operations-Conflict of interest
- Section 200-110-160 - Standards for operations-State risk manager-Expense and operating cost fees
- Section 200-110-170 - Standards for operations - Appeals of fees
- Section 200-110-180 - Standards for operations - Appeals of cease and desist orders
- Section 200-110-190 - Standards for operations - Meetings
- Section 200-110-200 - Standards for operation and management - Rules for joint self-insurance programs
- Section 200-110-210 - Standards for operation - Membership
- Section 200-110-220 - Standards for operation-Providing services to nonmembers
- Section 200-110-230 - Standards for operation-Communication with members-Annual membership report
- Section 200-110-240 - Standards for operation-Notice of regular meetings of the governing body
- Section 200-110-250 - Standards for operation - Special meetings - Notice to members
- Section 200-110-260 - Standards for operations-Meeting agendas-Meeting minutes
- Section 200-110-270 - Standards for operation - Notification of changes to bylaws or interlocal agreement
- Section 200-110-280 - Standards for operation-Changes to interlocal agreement