Chapter 196-34 - Continuing education of licensed professional on-site wastewater treatment system designers
- Section 196-34-100 - Purpose and effective date
- Section 196-34-105 - Definitions
- Section 196-34-110 - Requirements
- Section 196-34-115 - Qualifying activities
- Section 196-34-120 - Units
- Section 196-34-125 - Activities that do not qualify for PDH credits
- Section 196-34-130 - Determination of credit
- Section 196-34-135 - Recordkeeping and audits
- Section 196-34-140 - Noncompliance with professional development
- Section 196-34-145 - Waiver
- Section 196-34-150 - Exemption
- Section 196-34-155 - Inactive status
- Section 196-34-160 - Comity/out-of-jurisdiction resident