The life cycle cost analysis is a process which compares the base case of the existing building to the alternative case that implements EEMs proposed by the energy audit. Total life cycle cost of each case are produced by the analysis, but the resulting cost and benefits of interest are the incremental life cycle cost difference between each case. Measures and bundles of measures demonstrating positive life cycle cost compared to the base case are to be implemented in accordance with chapter 9.
The base case in the energy audit and LCCA will include all costs for energy, operations and maintenance and other related cost scheduled in the analysis period. This may include replacement of existing equipment upon failure with code compliant equipment, in the analysis period of measure life of the alternative. All these costs are captured in the base case.
The alternate case captures all cost and benefits associated with implementing additional efficiency features beyond in-kind or code minimum replacement. All costs and all benefits of implementing EEMs required by Section 9 should be captured by the analysis. All documented costs may be considered.
Extended implementation periods are allowed by this standard. This allows more EEMs to be considered at time of failure resulting in much of the cost of implementation being attributed to the base case. This requires including the implementation timing of the measure in the extended compliance period. Ultimately, this reduces the cost of the alternative case and will likely make EEMs that are not cost-effective as an early replacement be cost-effective as replacement upgrades.
Exception: | Building owners may demonstrate compliance with this section by completing the Level 2 energy audit and implementing all EEMs determined to have a simple payback that is less than the EEMs expected useful life. |
Note: | The simple payback calculation shall be in accordance with NIST Handbook 135, Section 6.4.4, Equation 6-13. |
Informative Note: Multiple measures affecting the same building systems or end uses may be combined and their costs estimated as a group. Combining costs may improve the cost-effectiveness of combined measures.
Estimate the initial and recurring costs, energy cost savings, and nonenergy cost savings of each measure and each integrated group of measures. Cost estimates shall either be:
Table X-1 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Variables Independent Of NIST Handbook - 135 Methodology.
Public owner discount rate | A fixed annual rate based on the cost of borrowing through the Washington state treasurer, certificate of participation programs, the local program and the state lease-purchase program. |
Private owner discount rate | Shall be the published Wall Street Journal Prime Rate for based on the average of the previous twelve months. |
Financing | Applicants with documented costs of borrowing assuming one hundred percent of the EEM implementation costs are financed at an actual cost of borrowing and stated terms when the property being improved is listed as loan collateral. |
Rate of inflation | A fixed annual rate, as published annually by the Washington state office of financial management. |
Fuel escalation rate | Based on the most recent edition of NIST Handbook - 135 Annual Supplement - Fuel Escalation Rates. |
Study period | Equal to the useful life of the longest-lived EEM within an optimized bundle. (STD 211, 5.5.3) |
Wash. Admin. Code § 194-50-140