Chapter 194-40 - Clean Energy Transformation Act
- Section 194-40-010 - Purpose and scope
- Section 194-40-020 - Applicability
- Section 194-40-022 - Severability
- Section 194-40-030 - Definitions
- Section 194-40-040 - Performance and compliance reporting for the GHG neutral standard and 100% clean electricity standard
- Section 194-40-050 - Submission of clean energy implementation plan
- Section 194-40-060 - Reporting fuel mix and greenhouse gas emission
- Section 194-40-100 - Social cost of greenhouse gas emissions
- Section 194-40-110 - Methodologies to incorporate social cost of greenhouse gas emissions
- Section 194-40-200 - Clean energy implementation plan
- Section 194-40-210 - Resource adequacy standard
- Section 194-40-220 - Public input for planning
- Section 194-40-230 - Compliance using two percent incremental cost of compliance
- Section 194-40-300 - Documentation concerning coal-fired resources
- Section 194-40-310 - Documentation of nonemitting electric generation
- Section 194-40-330 - Methodologies for energy efficiency and demand response resources
- Section 194-40-340 - Acquisition of new resources other than renewable resources and energy storage
- Section 194-40-350 - Use of alternative compliance options by utilities using two percent incremental cost threshold
- Section 194-40-360 - Temporary exemption, demonstration of plan to achieve full compliance
- Section 194-40-370 - Accounting for electricity from storage resources
- Section 194-40-400 - Documentation and retirement of renewable energy credits
- Section 194-40-410 - Use of renewable energy credits other than unbundled RECs to comply with the greenhouse gas neutral standard
- Section 194-40-415 - Use of renewable energy credits to comply with the 100 percent renewable or nonemitting standard
- Section 194-40-420 - Safeguards to prevent double counting of unbundled RECs
- Section 194-40-430 - Thermal RECs-Applicability
- Section 194-40-440 - Thermal RECs-Measuring
- Section 194-40-450 - Thermal RECs-Tracking
- Section 194-40-460 - Thermal RECs-Reporting