Section 181-77-014 - Requirements for limited certificationConditional career and technical education certificate.
(1)Intent: The intent of the conditional career and technical education certificate is to fill teacher positions given specific circumstances where no regularly certificated career and technical education instructor is available.(2)Role: The certificate is valid only for the teaching areas specified on the certificate.(3)Request requirements:(a) The conditional career and technical education certificate may be issued under specific circumstances set forth below for limited service. The conditional career and technical education certificate may be issued only to: (i) Persons qualified and experienced in the knowledge and occupational skills of the career and technical education program to be certified; or(ii) Persons who meet the occupational experience requirements for career and technical education certification; or(iii) Persons enrolled in a career and technical education preparation program as verified by an approved career and technical education program provider; or(iv) Persons who will be employed in new and emerging occupations as identified by the professional educator standards board and/or its designee.(b) The certificate is issued to individuals who are screened by the local career and technical education administrator and school district superintendent or designee. The local career and technical education administrator or superintendent will verify that the following criteria have been met when requesting the conditional career and technical education certificate: (i) No person with career and technical education certification in the field is available as verified by the local career and technical education administrator or superintendent; and(ii) The individual is being certified for a limited assignment and responsibility in a specified career and technical education program area; and(iii) Personnel so certificated will be oriented and prepared for the specific assignment and will be apprised of any legal liability, the lines of authority and the duration of the assignment; and(iv) The career and technical education administrator and a local advisory committee will indicate the basis on which he/she has determined that the individual is competent for the assignment; and(v) A written training plan is on file with the employing district. The career and technical education administrator and the candidate will mutually develop this plan. The plan must be approved by a local career and technical education advisory committee to which the candidate is assigned. The plan will provide for the career and technical education instructor to develop competencies in the following: (A) Issues related to legal liability;(B) The responsibilities of career and technical education educators;(C) The lines of authority in the employing school district and/or building;(D) Career and technical education methods, including those described in RCW 28A.700.010, WAC 181-77-041(1)(b), and 181-77A-165;(E) General and specific safety.(4)Minimum requirements: The career and technical education teacher will complete fifty continuing education credit hours subsequent to the issuance of the certificate, and prior to the reissuance of the certificate. The district will verify that this continuing education credit hour requirement has been met prior to the reissuance of the certificate. The continuing education credit hours must relate to the areas listed in subsection (3)(b)(v) of this section. This continuing education credit hour requirement may be completed through credit hours earned while enrolled in a program.(5)Validity: The certificate is valid for two years or less, and only for the teaching area specified on the certificate. The certificate may be reissued on district application and evidence that requirements continue to be met.Wash. Admin. Code § 181-77-014
Amended by WSR 17-07-018, Filed 3/7/2017, effective 4/7/2017Amended by WSR 18-21-070, Filed 10/11/2018, effective 11/11/2018Amended by WSR 19-15-112, Filed 7/22/2019, effective 8/22/2019Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.210. 08-16-004, § 181-77-014, filed 7/23/08, effective 8/23/08; 06-14-010, § 181-77-014, filed 6/22/06, effective 7/23/06. 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-77-014, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.010. 03-23-038, § 180-77-014, filed 11/12/03, effective 12/13/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.010 and 28A.305.130(1) through (4). 02-04-018, § 180-77-014, filed 1/24/02, effective 2/24/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.305.130(1) and (2), 28A.410.010. 00-18-064, § 180-77-014, filed 9/1/00, effective 10/2/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.010. 98-01-026, § 180-77-014, filed 12/8/97, effective 1/8/98; 95-12-056, § 180-77-014, filed 6/2/95, effective 7/3/95.