Chapter 173-532 - Water resources program for the Walla Walla River basin, WRIA-32
- Section 173-532-010 - Authority and purpose
- Section 173-532-020 - Definitions
- Section 173-532-025 - Establishment of stream management units
- Section 173-532-030 - Establishment of instream flows
- Section 173-532-040 - Surface and groundwater closed to further consumptive appropriations
- Section 173-532-045 - Future permitting actions
- Section 173-532-050 - Protection of surface water rights from future permit-exempt groundwater appropriations from the gravel aquifer
- Section 173-532-055 - Future surface water withdrawals for environmental enhancement projects
- Section 173-532-090 - Compliance and enforcement
- Section 173-532-100 - Appeals
- Section 173-532-120 - Map