Chapter 173-420 - Conformity of transportation activities to air quality implementation plans
- Section 173-420-010 - Title
- Section 173-420-020 - Purpose and intent
- Section 173-420-030 - Scope
- Section 173-420-040 - Definitions
- Section 173-420-050 - General provisions
- Section 173-420-055 - SIP impacts on conformity determinations
- Section 173-420-060 - General criteria
- Section 173-420-065 - Specific criteria
- Section 173-420-070 - Air quality analysis procedures
- Section 173-420-080 - Transportation plan conformity
- Section 173-420-090 - Transportation improvement program conformity
- Section 173-420-100 - Transportation project conformity
- Section 173-420-110 - Exempt projects
- Section 173-420-120 - Projects exempt from regional analysis