Section 173-300-060 - Operator certification required at landfill facilities(1) It is unlawful to operate the following types of landfills without an on-site certified landfill operator in responsible charge during all hours of operation when accepting waste, and during the closure phase of the facility. The operator's specific role in the closure phase must be specified in the closure plan. However, the certified operator may be away from the facility on official business or personal emergencies for periods of one day or less if they are on-call and available to respond in case of an emergency at the facility. (a) All municipal waste landfills.(b) All problem waste landfills. NOTE: Problem waste landfills are presently reserved per chapter 173-350 WAC and WAC 173-304-463.(c) All special incinerator ash landfills or monofills. NOTE: In a case where a monofill is a separate cell at a municipal waste landfill, the responsible operator in charge of the complete facility may assume responsibility of the operation of the monofills.(d) All inert waste and demolition waste landfills.(e) All limited purpose solid waste landfills.(2) These standards do not apply to: (a) Dangerous waste landfills;(c) Interim solid waste handling sites;(d) Landspreading disposal facilities;(g) Waste recycling facilities; and(h) Composting facilities.(3) Owners of small landfills with a total capacity at closure of two hundred thousand cubic yards of solid waste or less, may apply to the department to have their facility operated and maintained by a certified operator who is in responsible charge on an on-call basis at all times the landfill is operating: Provided, That a certified operator visit the site once each working day. The department shall consider all applications on a case-by-case basis. The department shall base its decision on the following requirements:(a) A physical inspection of the facility by the department to determine whether the facility is being operated in a manner that is protective of human health and the environment;(b) That the facility has an up-to-date approved facility operating plan and is in compliance with all other sections of chapters 173-350 and 173-304 WAC;(c) That the status of all facility variances, compliance schedules, and related grants are current as required; and(d) That the facility strictly adheres to all other applicable laws and rules.(4) All landfills that have on-call designations shall reapply for the designation every five years from the date of issuance. This designation may be revoked at any time the facility does not meet the minimum requirements.(5) When a position required to be filled by an on-site certified landfill operator is vacated for a period of not longer than a maximum of thirty calendar days due to an emergency such as a short-term illness, the landfill owner may apply to the department for a variance that allows the facility be operated and maintained by a certified operator on an on-call basis as outlined in this section. These requirements may be waived temporarily at the director's discretion.(6) All other operational employees are to be encouraged to become certified on a voluntary basis.Wash. Admin. Code § 173-300-060
Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.95 RCW. 06-14-024 (Order 05-13), § 173-300-060, filed 6/26/06, effective 7/27/06. Statutory Authority: 1989 c 431. 00-19-017 (Order 00-16), § 173-300-060, filed 9/8/00, effective 10/9/00. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.95D RCW and RCW 70.95.710. 91-01-093, § 173-300-060, filed 12/18/90, effective 1/1/91.