Wash. Admin. Code § 173-224-040
The following industrial facilities must pay an annual permit fee as follows:
Aluminum Alloys | $22,950 | $22,950 | |
Aluminum and Magnesium Reduction Mills | |||
a. NPDES Permit | 115,780 | 115,780 | |
b. State Permit | 57,900 | 57,900 | |
Aluminum Forming | 72,830 | 77,100 | |
Aquaculture | |||
a. Finfish hatching and rearing - General Permit | 4,126 | 4,126 | |
b. Finfish hatching and rearing - Individual Permit | 5,900 | 5,900 | |
c. Nonfinfish hatching and rearing - Individual Permit | 5,900 | 5,900 | |
Aquatic Pest Control Permits | |||
a. Aquatic & Invasive Species Control (State agencies permits) | 8,000 | 8,000 | |
b. Aquatic Plant & Algae Management | 500 | 500 | |
c. Irrigation System Aquatic Weed Control | 710 | 710 | |
d. Mosquito Control | 500 | 500 | |
e. Noxious Weed Control (State agencies permits) | 8,000 | 8,000 | |
f. Oyster Growers | 500 | 500 | |
Boatyards - General Permit | |||
a. With stormwater only discharge | 570 | 600 | |
b. All others | 1,150 | 1,210 | |
Boatyards - Individual Permit | |||
a. With stormwater only discharge | 650 | 700 | |
b. All others | 1,200 | 1,250 | |
Bridge and Ferry Terminals Washing | |||
a. Single site Permit | 4,200 | 4,200 | |
b. Multi site Permit | |||
1. 1 - 5 Facilities | 6,200 | 6,200 | |
2. 6 - 10 Facilities | 8,200 | 8,200 | |
3. 11 - 20 Facilities | 10,500 | 10,500 | |
c. WSDOT Annual Fee | 13,500 | 13,500 | |
Coal Mining and Preparation | |||
a. < 200,000 tons per year | 9,000 | 9,000 | |
b. 200,000 - < 500,000 tons per year | 20,500 | 20,500 | |
c. 500,000 - < 1,000,000 tons per year | 36,500 | 36,500 | |
d. 1,000,000 tons per year and greater | 68,500 | 68,500 | |
Combined Industrial Waste Treatment | |||
a. < 10,000 gpd | 3,970 | 3,970 | |
b. 10,000 - < 50,000 gpd | 9,800 | 9,800 | |
c. 50,000 - < 100,000 gpd | 19,600 | 19,600 | |
d. 100,000 - < 500,000 gpd | 39,200 | 39,200 | |
e. 500,000 gpd and greater | 58,800 | 58,800 | |
Combined Food Processing Waste Treatment Facilities | 19,800 | 21,000 | |
Combined Sewer Overflow System | |||
a. < 50 acres | 3,900 | 3,900 | |
b. 50 - < 100 acres | 9,800 | 9,800 | |
c. 100 - < 500 acres | 11,780 | 11,780 | |
d. 500 acres and greater | 15,700 | 15,700 | |
Commercial Laundry | 575 | 575 | |
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) - Dairy GP | $0.52 per animal unit, not to exceed $2,190 | $0.54 per animal unit, not to exceed $2,320 | |
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) - Dairy IP | $0.66 per animal unit, not to exceed $2,850 | $0.70 per animal unit, not to exceed $3,020 | |
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) - General Permit | |||
Size of CAFO by Animal Type and Animal Count | SMALL | MEDIUM | LARGE |
FY2024 and FY2025 Annual Fee | $350 | $1,500 | $3,500 |
a. Veal Calves | < 300 | 300 - 999 | 1,000 and greater |
b. Other Cattle | < 300 | 300 - 999 | 1,000 and greater |
c. Swine (55 lbs or more) | < 700 | 700 - 2,499 | 2,500 and greater |
d. Swine (less than 55 lbs) | < 3,000 | 3,000 - 9,999 | 10,000 and greater |
e. Horses | < 150 | 150 - 499 | 500 and greater |
f. Sheep and Lambs | < 3,000 | 3,000 - 9,999 | 10,000 and greater |
g. Turkeys | < 16,500 | 16,500 - 54,999 | 55,000 and greater |
h. Chickens, including laying hens or broilers, | < 9,000 | 9,000 - 29,999 | 30,000 and greater |
i. Chickens, other than layers, with dry waste | < 25,000 | 25,000 - 81,999 | 82,000 and greater |
j. Laying Hens, with dry waste system | < 25,000 | 25,000 - 81,999 | 82,000 and greater |
k. Ducks, with liquid waste system | < 1,500 | 1,500 - 4,999 | 5,000 and greater |
l. Ducks, with dry waste system | < 10,000 | 10,000 - 29,999 | 30,000 and greater |
m. Other Species | As determined by Department | As determined by Department | As determined by Department |
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) - Individual Permit | $5,000 | $5,000 | |
Facilities Not Otherwise Classified | |||
a. < 1,000 gpd | 1,960 | 1,960 | |
b. 1,000 - < 10,000 gpd | 3,930 | 3,930 | |
c. 10,000 - < 50,000 gpd | 9,820 | 9,820 | |
d. 50,000 - < 100,000 gpd | 15,700 | 15,700 | |
e. 100,000 - < 500,000 gpd | 31,260 | 31,260 | |
f. 500,000 - < 1,000,000 gpd | 39,270 | 39,270 | |
g. 1,000,000 gpd and greater | 58,900 | 58,900 | |
Flavor Extraction | |||
a. Steam Distillation | 215 | 230 | |
Food Processing | |||
a. < 1,000 gpd | 1,960 | 1,960 | |
b. 1,000 - < 10,000 gpd | 5,000 | 5,000 | |
c. 10,000 - < 50,000 gpd | 8,930 | 8,930 | |
d. 50,000 - < 100,000 gpd | 14,040 | 14,040 | |
e. 100,000 - < 250,000 gpd | 19,630 | 19,630 | |
f. 250,000 - < 500,000 gpd | 25,820 | 25,820 | |
g. 500,000 - < 750,000 gpd | 32,400 | 32,400 | |
h. 750,000 - < 1,000,000 gpd | 39,270 | 39,270 | |
i. 1,000,000 - < 2,500,000 gpd | 48,370 | 48,370 | |
j. 2,500,000 - < 5,000,000 gpd | 53,990 | 53,990 | |
k. 5,000,000 gpd and greater | 58,900 | 58,900 | |
Fruit Packing - General Permit | |||
a. 0 - < 1,000 bins per year | 275 | 275 | |
b. 1,000 - < 5,000 bins per year | 550 | 550 | |
c. 5,000 - < 10,000 bins per year | 1,100 | 1,100 | |
d. 10,000 - < 15,000 bins per year | 2,200 | 2,200 | |
e. 15,000 - < 20,000 bins per year | 3,640 | 3,640 | |
f. 20,000 - < 25,000 bins per year | 5,080 | 5,080 | |
g. 25,000 - < 50,000 bins per year | 6,800 | 6,800 | |
h. 50,000 - < 75,000 bins per year | 7,560 | 7,560 | |
i. 75,000 - < 100,000 bins per year | 8,790 | 8,790 | |
j. 100,000 - < 125,000 bins per year | 10,990 | 10,990 | |
k. 125,000 - < 150,000 bins per year | 13,740 | 13,740 | |
l. 150,000 bins per year and greater | 16,490 | 16,490 | |
Fruit Packing - Individual Permit | |||
a. 0 - < 1,000 bins per year | 390 | 390 | |
b. 1,000 - < 5,000 bins per year | 790 | 790 | |
c. 5,000 - < 10,000 bins per year | 1,570 | 1,570 | |
d. 10,000 - < 15,000 bins per year | 3,140 | 3,140 | |
e. 15,000 - < 20,000 bins per year | 5,200 | 5,200 | |
f. 20,000 - < 25,000 bins per year | 7,260 | 7,260 | |
g. 25,000 - < 50,000 bins per year | 9,720 | 9,720 | |
h. 50,000 - < 75,000 bins per year | 10,800 | 10,800 | |
i. 75,000 - < 100,000 bins per year | 12,560 | 12,560 | |
j. 100,000 - < 125,000 bins per year | 15,700 | 15,700 | |
k. 125,000 - < 150,000 bins per year | 19,630 | 19,630 | |
l. 150,000 bins per year and greater | 23,520 | 23,520 | |
Fuel and Chemical Storage | |||
a. < 50,000 bbls | 2,080 | 2,180 | |
b. 50,000 - < 100,000 bbls | 4,150 | 4,300 | |
c. 100,000 - < 500,000 bbls | 10,400 | 11,000 | |
d. 500,000 bbls and greater | 20,700 | 21,800 | |
Hazardous Waste Cleanup Sites | |||
a. Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) | |||
1. State Permit | 5,150 | 5,150 | |
2. NPDES Permit issued pre 7/1/1994 | 5,150 | 5,150 | |
3. NPDES Permit issued post 7/1/1994 | 10,300 | 10,300 | |
b. Non-LUST Sites | |||
1. 1 or 2 contaminants of concern | 10,070 | 10,070 | |
2. > 2 contaminants of concern | 20,140 | 20,140 | |
Ink Formulation and Printing | |||
a. Commercial Print Shops | 3,020 | 3,020 | |
b. Newspapers | 5,040 | 5,040 | |
c. Package Printing | 8,060 | 8,060 | |
d. Ink Formulation | 10,070 | 10,070 | |
Inorganic Chemicals Manufacturing | |||
a. Lime Products | 9,820 | 9,820 | |
b. Fertilizer | 11,820 | 11,820 | |
c. Peroxide | 15,700 | 15,700 | |
d. Alkaline Earth Salts | 19,640 | 19,640 | |
e. Metal Salts | 27,480 | 27,480 | |
f. Acid Manufacturing | 38,940 | 38,940 | |
g. Chlor-alkali | 78,530 | 78,530 | |
Iron and Steel | |||
a. Foundries | 22,900 | 22,900 | |
b. Mills | 45,940 | 45,940 | |
Metal Finishing | |||
a. < 1,000 gpd | 2,750 | 2,750 | |
b. 1,000 - < 10,000 gpd | 4,590 | 4,590 | |
c. 10,000 - < 50,000 gpd | 11,470 | 11,470 | |
d. 50,000 - < 100,000 gpd | 22,950 | 22,950 | |
e. 100,000 - < 500,000 gpd | 45,900 | 45,900 | |
f. 500,000 gpd and greater | 68,840 | 68,840 | |
Noncontact Cooling Water with Additives - General Permit | |||
a. < 1,000 gpd | 860 | 860 | |
b. 1,000 - < 10,000 gpd | 1,720 | 1,720 | |
c. 10,000 - < 50,000 gpd | 2,580 | 2,580 | |
d. 50,000 - < 100,000 gpd | 6,010 | 6,010 | |
e. 100,000 - < 500,000 gpd | 10,300 | 10,300 | |
f. 500,000 - < 1,000,000 gpd | 14,600 | 14,600 | |
g. 1,000,000 - < 2,500,000 gpd | 18,900 | 18,900 | |
h. 2,500,000 - < 5,000,000 gpd | 23,190 | 23,190 | |
i. 5,000,000 gpd and greater | 27,480 | 27,480 | |
Noncontact Cooling Water without Additives - General Permit | |||
a. < 1,000 gpd | 690 | 690 | |
b. 1,000 - < 10,000 gpd | 1,380 | 1,380 | |
c. 10,000 - < 50,000 gpd | 2,060 | 2,060 | |
d. 50,000 - < 100,000 gpd | 4,810 | 4,810 | |
e. 100,000 - < 500,000 gpd | 8,250 | 8,250 | |
f. 500,000 - < 1,000,000 gpd | 11,680 | 11,680 | |
g. 1,000,000 - < 2,500,000 gpd | 15,120 | 15,120 | |
h. 2,500,000 - < 5,000,000 gpd | 18,550 | 18,550 | |
i. 5,000,000 gpd and greater | 21,990 | 21,990 | |
Noncontact Cooling Water with Additives - Individual Permit | |||
a. < 1,000 gpd | 1,230 | 1,230 | |
b. 1,000 - < 10,000 gpd | 2,000 | 2,000 | |
c. 10,000 - < 50,000 gpd | 3,680 | 3,680 | |
d. 50,000 - < 100,000 gpd | 8,590 | 8,590 | |
e. 100,000 - < 500,000 gpd | 14,720 | 14,720 | |
f. 500,000 - < 1,000,000 gpd | 20,860 | 20,860 | |
g. 1,000,000 - < 2,500,000 gpd | 27,000 | 27,000 | |
h. 2,500,000 - < 5,000,000 gpd | 32,990 | 32,990 | |
i. 5,000,000 gpd and greater | 39,270 | 39,270 | |
Noncontact Cooling Water without Additives - Individual Permit | |||
a. < 1,000 gpd | 980 | 980 | |
b. 1,000 - < 10,000 gpd | 1,960 | 1,960 | |
c. 10,000 - < 50,000 gpd | 2,950 | 2,950 | |
d. 50,000 - < 100,000 gpd | 6,870 | 6,870 | |
e. 100,000 - < 500,000 gpd | 11,780 | 11,780 | |
f. 500,000 - < 1,000,000 gpd | 16,690 | 16,690 | |
g. 1,000,000 - < 2,500,000 gpd | 21,510 | 21,510 | |
h. 2,500,000 - < 5,000,000 gpd | 26,500 | 26,500 | |
i. 5,000,000 gpd and greater | 31,410 | 31,410 | |
Nonferrous Metals Forming | 22,950 | 22,950 | |
Ore Mining | |||
a. Ore mining | 4,800 | 4,800 | |
b. Ore mining with physical concentration processes | 9,600 | 9,600 | |
c. Ore mining with physical and chemical concentration processes | 38,300 | 38,300 | |
Organic Chemicals Manufacturing | |||
a. Fertilizer | 19,640 | 19,640 | |
b. Aliphatic | 39,260 | 39,260 | |
c. Aromatic | 58,900 | 58,900 | |
Petroleum Refining | |||
a. < 10,000 bbls per day | 39,260 | 39,260 | |
b. 10,000 - < 50,000 bbls per day | 77,850 | 77,850 | |
c. 50,000 bbls per day and greater | 157,000 | 157,000 | |
Photofinishers | |||
a. < 1,000 gpd | 1,570 | 1,570 | |
b. 1,000 and greater | 3,930 | 3,900 | |
Power and/or Steam Plants | |||
a. Steam generation - nonelectric | 8,300 | 8,300 | |
b. Hydroelectric | 8,300 | 8,300 | |
c. Nonfossil fuel | 12,400 | 12,400 | |
d. Fossil fuel | 33,000 | 33,000 | |
Pulp, Paper, and Paper Board | |||
a. Fiber Recyclers/Nonwood Pulp Mills | 19,600 | 19,600 | |
b. Paper Mills | 39,250 | 39,250 | |
c. Groundwood Pulp Mills | |||
1. < 300 tons per day | 58,900 | 58,900 | |
2. > 300 tons per day | 117,800 | 117,800 | |
d. Chemical Pulps Mills w/o chlorine bleaching | 157,070 | 157,070 | |
e. Chemical Pulp Mills with chlorine bleaching | 176,700 | 176,700 | |
Radioactive Effluents and Discharges (RED) | |||
a. < 3 waste streams | 38,000 | 38,000 | |
b. 3 - < 8 waste streams | 66,000 | 66,000 | |
c. 8 waste streams and more | 108,500 | 108,500 | |
RCRA Corrective Action Sites | 27,600 | 27,600 | |
Sand and Gravel - General Permit | |||
a. Mining Activities | |||
1. Mining, screening, washing, and/or crushing | 2,550 | 2,550 | |
2. Nonoperating | 150 | 150 | |
b. Asphalt Production and Recycling | |||
1. 0 - < 50,000 tons per year | 1,070 | 1,070 | |
2. 50,000 - < 300,000 tons per year | 2,550 | 2,550 | |
3. 300,000 tons per year and greater | 3,180 | 3,180 | |
4. Nonoperating | 150 | 150 | |
c. Concrete Production and Recycling | |||
1. 0 - < 25,000 cubic yards per year | 1,070 | 1,070 | |
2. 25,000 - < 200,000 cubic yards per year | 2,550 | 2,550 | |
3. 200,000 cubic yards per year and greater | 3,180 | 3,180 | |
4. Nonoperating | 150 | 150 | |
d. Portable Facility | |||
1. Rock crushing | 2,700 | 2,700 | |
2. Asphalt | 2,700 | 2,700 | |
3. Concrete | 2,700 | 2,700 | |
4. Nonoperating | 165 | 165 | |
Sand and Gravel - Individual Permit | |||
a. Mining Activities | |||
1. Mining, screening, washing, and/or crushing | 3,580 | 3,580 | |
2. Nonoperating | 175 | 175 | |
b. Asphalt Production and Recycling | |||
1. 0 - < 50,000 tons per year | 1,550 | 1,550 | |
2. 50,000 - < 300,000 tons per year | 3,580 | 3,580 | |
3. 300,000 tons per year and greater | 4,480 | 4,480 | |
4. Nonoperating | 175 | 175 | |
c. Concrete Production and Recycling | |||
1. 0 - < 25,000 cubic yards per year | 1,550 | 1,550 | |
2. 25,000 - < 200,000 cubic yards per year | 3,580 | 3,580 | |
3. 200,000 cubic yards per year and greater | 4,480 | 4,480 | |
4. Nonoperating | 175 | 175 | |
d. Portable Facility | |||
1. Rock crushing | 3,700 | 3,700 | |
2. Asphalt | 3,700 | 3,700 | |
3. Concrete | 3,700 | 3,700 | |
4. Nonoperating | 200 | 200 | |
The sand and gravel annual fee is the sum of the applicable fees for the permitted activities. | |||
Seafood Processing | |||
a. < 1,000 gpd | 1,960 | 1,960 | |
b. 1,000 - < 10,000 gpd | 5,000 | 5,000 | |
c. 10,000 - < 50,000 gpd | 8,930 | 8,930 | |
d. 50,000 - < 100,000 gpd | 14,040 | 14,040 | |
e. 100,000 gpd or greater | 19,640 | 19,640 | |
Shipyards | |||
a. Per crane, travel lift, small boat lift | 4,820 | 4,820 | |
b. Per drydock under 250 feet in length | 4,820 | 4,820 | |
c. Per graving dock | 4,820 | 4,800 | |
d. Per marine way/ramp | 7,230 | 7,230 | |
e. Per syncolift | 7,230 | 7,230 | |
f. Per drydock 250 feet and over in length | 9,640 | 9,640 | |
g. In-water vessel maintenance | 9,640 | 9,640 | |
The shipyard annual fee is the sum of the fees for applicable | |||
Solid Waste Sites (nonstormwater) | |||
a. Nonputrescible | 7,850 | 7,850 | |
b. < 50 acres | 15,700 | 15,700 | |
c. 50 - < 100 acres | 31,410 | 31,410 | |
d. 100 - < 250 acres | 39,260 | 39,260 | |
e. 250 acres and greater | 58,900 | 58,900 | |
Textile Mills | 78,500 | 78,500 | |
Timber Products | |||
a. Log Storage | 3,930 | 3,930 | |
b. Veneer | 7,850 | 7,850 | |
c. Sawmills | 15,700 | 15,700 | |
d. Hardwood, Plywood | 27,480 | 27,480 | |
e. Wood Preserving | 37,700 | 37,700 | |
Vegetable/Bulb Washing Facilities | |||
a. < 1,000 gpd | 150 | 200 | |
b. 1,000 - < 5,000 gpd | 280 | 300 | |
c. 5,000 - < 10,000 gpd | 550 | 600 | |
d. 10,000 - < 20,000 gpd | 1,100 | 1,180 | |
e. 20,000 gpd and greater | 1,830 | 1,930 | |
Vehicle Maintenance and Freight Transfer | |||
a. < 0.5 acre | 3,930 | 3,930 | |
b. 0.5 - < 1.0 acre | 7,850 | 7,850 | |
c. 1.0 acre and greater | 11,780 | 11,780 | |
Vessel Deconstruction | |||
a. Base Fee | 3,160 | 3,160 | |
b. On land (per project) | 3,550 | 3,550 | |
c. On barge or drydock (per project) | 4,850 | 4,850 | |
d. In-Water (per project) | 18,700 | 18,700 | |
The vessel deconstruction annual fee is the sum of the base fee and applicable subcategories. | |||
Water Plants - General Permit | 3,700 | 3,700 | |
Water Plants - Individual Permit | 5,300 | 5,300 | |
Wineries - General Permit | |||
a. < 24,999 gpy | 300 | 300 | |
b. 25,000 - < 39,999 gpy | 440 | 440 | |
c. 40,000 - < 54,999 gpy | 680 | 680 | |
d. 55,000 - < 69,999 gpy | 910 | 910 | |
e. 70,000 - < 99,999 gpy | 1,150 | 1,150 | |
f. 100,000 - < 299,999 gpy | 1,660 | 1,660 | |
g. 300,000 - < 699,999 gpy | 4,970 | 4,970 | |
h. 700,000 - < 999,999 gpy | 11,600 | 11,600 | |
i. 1,000,000 - < 1,999,999 gpy | 16,600 | 16,600 | |
j. 2,000,000 gpy and greater | 33,200 | 33,200 | |
Wineries - Individual Permit | |||
a. < 24,999 gpy | 430 | 430 | |
b. 25,000 - < 39,999 gpy | 630 | 630 | |
c. 40,000 - < 54,999 gpy | 960 | 960 | |
d. 55,000 - < 69,999 gpy | 1,300 | 1,300 | |
e. 70,000 - < 99,999 gpy | 1,650 | 1,650 | |
f. 100,000 - < 299,999 gpy | 2,370 | 2,370 | |
g. 300,000 - < 699,999 gpy | 7,110 | 7,110 | |
h. 700,000 - < 999,999 gpy | 16,600 | 16,600 | |
i. 1,000,000 - < 1,999,999 gpy | 23,760 | 23,760 | |
j. 2,000,000 gpy and greater | 47,000 | 47,000 |
If a permit holder resumes operations during the 18-month inactive status, the full permit fee is due for that fiscal year. The inactive rate fee paid, will be applied to the full fee due.
The following municipal and domestic wastewater facilities must pay an annual permit fee as follows:
Residential Equivalents (RE) | FY2024 Permit Fee | FY2025 Permit Fee |
The annual fee is calculated by multiplying the number of REs by the FY per RE rate, for permit holders with 100 or more REs For permit holders with less than 100 REs, a flat fee will be assessed | ||
Less than 100 REs (Minimum Muni WW Fee) | $250 flat fee | $250 flat fee |
100 and more REs | ||
< 250,000 REs | $3.43 per RE | $3.43 per RE |
Greater than 250,000 REs | $3.43 per RE | $3.43 per RE |
Tiered Flow-Based Fee | FY2024 Annual Permit Fee | FY2025 Annual Permit Fee |
.1 MGD and greater | $12,000 | $12,000 |
.05 MGD - < .1 MGD | $6,000 | $6,000 |
.01 MGD - < .05 MGD | $3,000 | $3,000 |
.005 MGD - < .01 MGD | $1,500 | $1,500 |
.001 MGD - < .005 MGD | $750 | $750 |
Less than .001 MGD | $375 | $375 |
FY2024 Annual Permit Fee | FY2025 Annual Permit Fee | |
a. Construction and Industrial Stormwater - Individual Permits | ||
1. < 50 acres | $6,250 | $6,350 |
2. 50 - < 100 acres | 12,500 | 12,750 |
3. 100 - < 500 acres | 18,730 | 19,030 |
4. 500 acres and greater | 25,500 | 26,000 |
b. Industrial Stormwater General Permit (ISGP) | ||
1. Municipalities and state agencies | 2,100 | 2,100 |
2. New permit holders who have not previously submitted an annual gross revenue form | 1,100 | 1,100 |
3. All other ISGP permit holders will have a fee based on the annual gross revenue reporting | ||
Gross Revenue Subcategories | ||
Less than $100,000 | 200 | 200 |
$100,000 - < $500,000 | 500 | 500 |
$500,000 - < $1,000,000 | 750 | 750 |
$1,000,000 - < $2,500,000 | 1,020 | 1,020 |
$2,500,000 - < $5,000,000 | 1,700 | 1,700 |
$5,000,000 - < $10,000,000 | 2,540 | 2,540 |
$10,000,000 - < $15,000,000 | 3,020 | 3,020 |
$15,000,000 - < $20,000,000 | 3,250 | 3,250 |
$20,000,000 and greater | 3,400 | 3,400 |
c. Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP) | ||
1. Less than 1 acre | 500 | 500 |
2. 1 - < 5 acres | 780 | 780 |
3. 5 - < 7 acres | 1,280 | 1,280 |
4. 7 - < 10 acres | 1,720 | 1,720 |
5. 10 - < 20 acres | 2,350 | 2,350 |
6. 20 - < 50 acres | 2,920 | 2,920 |
7. 50 - < 100 acres | 3,100 | 3,100 |
8. 100 - < 500 acres | 3,300 | 3,300 |
9. 500 - < 1,000 acres | 3,500 | 3,500 |
10. 1,000 and more acres | 3,700 | 3,700 |
Name of Entity | FY2024 Annual Permit Fee | FY2025 Annual Permit Fee |
Clark County | $72,665 | $76,916 |
King County | 72,665 | 76,916 |
Pierce County | 72,665 | 76,916 |
Seattle, City of | 72,665 | 76,916 |
Snohomish County | 72,665 | 76,916 |
Tacoma, City of | 72,665 | 76,916 |
WSDOT | 72,665 | 76,916 |
Other Entities' Annual Stormwater Facility Operating Budget | FY2024 Annual Permit Fee | FY2025 Annual Permit Fee |
Less than $100,000 | $200 | $200 |
$100,000 - < $1,000,000 | 805 | 805 |
$1,000,000 - < $5,000,000 | 2,010 | 2,010 |
$5,000,000 - < $10,000,000 | 3,020 | 3,020 |
$10,000,000 and greater | 5,024 | 5,024 |
Wash. Admin. Code § 173-224-040