Section 170-297-1625 - Exception to rule(1) The department cannot waive a requirement in state or federal law.(2) The department may approve an exception to a rule in this chapter.(3) An exception to rule request must be:(a) In writing on a department form;(b) Submitted to the licensor; and(c) Approved by the director or director's designee.(4) The department may approve an exception only for a specific purpose or child.(5) An exception is time limited and may not exceed the specific time period approved by the department.(6) If the exception request is approved, the notice of the approved exception must be posted with other notices for parent and public view, unless the exception is for a specific child.(7) The department may approve an alternate method of achieving a specific requirement's intent as an exception to rule. (a) The alternate method must not jeopardize the health, safety or welfare of the children in care.(b) A copy of the department approved exception must be posted on the premises for parent and public view.(8) The department's denial of an exception request is not subject to appeal under chapter 170-03 WAC.Wash. Admin. Code § 170-297-1625
Statutory Authority: Chapter 43.215 RCW. 12-23-057, § 170-297-1625, filed 11/19/12, effective 12/20/12.