Section 170-297-1450 - Nonexpiring license(1) To qualify for a nonexpiring full license, a licensee must submit the following to the department on an annual basis, at least thirty calendar days prior to the anniversary date (the date the first license is issued) of the license: (a) The annual nonrefundable license fee as provided in WAC 170-297-1325(1);(b) A declaration to the department on a department-approved form indicating:(i) The licensee's intent to continue operating a licensed child care program; or(ii) The licensee's intent to cease operation on a date certain;(c) A declaration on a department-approved form that the licensee is in compliance with all department licensing rules; and(d) Documentation of completed background check applications as determined by the department established schedule as provided in RCW 43.215.215(2)(f). For each individual required to have a background check clearance, the licensee must verify a current background check clearance or submit a background check application at least thirty days prior to the license anniversary date.(2) The requirements of subsection (1) of this section must be met: (a) Before a licensee operating under an initial license is issued a nonexpiring full license; and(b) Every twelve months after issuance of a nonexpiring full license.(3) If the licensee fails to meet the requirements in subsection (1) of this section for continuation of a nonexpiring full license, the license expires and the licensee must submit a new application for licensure.(4) Nothing about the nonexpiring license process in this section may interfere with the department's established monitoring practice.(5) A licensee has no right to an adjudicated proceeding (hearing) to appeal the expiration, nonrenewal, or noncontinuation of a nonexpiring full license as a result of the licensee's failure to comply with the requirements of this section.Wash. Admin. Code § 170-297-1450
Statutory Authority: Chapter 43.215 RCW. 12-23-057, § 170-297-1450, filed 11/19/12, effective 12/20/12.