Section 170-297-1250 - Licensing process - Application materials and fees(1) The applicant must submit a complete license application packet that includes:(a) Professional and background information about the applicant: (i) A completed department application form;(ii) A copy of the applicant's orientation certificate;(iii) A Washington state business license, or a tribal, county, or city business or occupation license, if applicable;(iv) Liability insurance, if applicable;(v) Certificate of incorporation, partnership agreement, or similar business organization document, if applicable;(vii) Copy of current photo identification issued by a government entity;(viii) Copy of Social Security card under 42 U.S.C. 666(a)(13) and RCW 26.23.150 regarding child support or sworn declaration stating the applicant does not have one;(ix) Employer identification number, if applicant plans to hire staff;(x) Employment or education verification (e.g., diploma or transcripts) or a sworn declaration stating that the applicant cannot verify education requirements;(b) Information about the facility to be licensed: (i) A floor plan, including identified use of proposed licensed and unlicensed space with identified emergency exits and emergency exit pathways;(ii) Copy of a certificate of occupancy for any program that is not directly located on public or private school premises;(iii) An on-site septic system inspection report within six months of the inspection, if applicable under WAC 170-297-1375;(iv) Well water testing results within six months of testing, if applicable under WAC 170-297-1400;(v) A lead or arsenic evaluation agreement, only for a site located in the Tacoma smelter plume (counties of King, Pierce, and Thurston) under WAC 170-297-1360;(vi) Lead and copper test results for drinking water. See WAC 170-297-1370.(c) Program hours of operation, including closure dates and holiday observances;(d) Information about program staff: (i) List of staff persons and volunteers, required to complete the background check process under chapter 170-06 WAC;(ii) Resume for applicant, center director and program supervisor;(iii) Three letters of professional reference for applicant, director and program supervisor;(iv) Staffing plan that includes: (A) The number and position types and qualifications of staff to meet the projected capacity of the facility;(B) How the applicant or licensee will verify that staff hired meet the qualifications required under this chapter; and(C) Projected staff training plan for the first year of the program.(e) Program policy documents, including: (i) Parent and program policies;(iii) An emergency preparedness plan;(iv) Health policies; and(v) A plan for the prevention of exposure to blood and body fluids.(2) An applicant must submit the completed application packet ninety calendar days or more prior to the opening of the early learning program.(3) The license fee. Fees are nonrefundable and are due: (a) With the applicant's initial license application packet; and(b) Annually thereafter, thirty days prior to the anniversary date of the license.(c) The annual fee for a school-age program is one hundred twenty-five dollars for the first twelve children, plus twelve dollars for each additional child over twelve, or as otherwise set by the legislature.(4) If the school-age provider decides to alter the existing licensed space or moves the child care to a different building, including a different building located on the same premises, the department shall inspect the new location and determine whether it meets the requirements in this chapter. The provider must: (a) Notify the department of the proposed change;(b) Submit a complete application before the change occurs, but not more than ninety days before the change occurs; and(c) Not operate in the proposed space until the new location or the change in environment has been inspected and approved by the department.Wash. Admin. Code § 170-297-1250
Amended by WSR 17-22-053, Filed 10/25/2017, effective 11/25/2017Statutory Authority: Chapter 43.215 RCW. 12-23-057, § 170-297-1250, filed 11/19/12, effective 12/20/12.