Section 170-297-0050 - Special needs accommodationsThe provisions of this section apply to any requirement in this chapter.
(1) The department may approve accommodations to requirements in these standards for the special needs of an individual child when:(a) The licensee or designee submits to the department a written plan, signed by the parent or guardian, that describes how the child's needs will be met in the licensed child care; and(b) The licensee or designee has supporting documentation of the child's special needs provided by a licensed or certified:(i) Physician or physician's assistant;(ii) Mental health professional;(iii) Education professional;(iv) Social worker with a bachelor's degree or higher degree with a specialization in the individual child's needs; or(v) Registered nurse or advanced registered nurse practitioner.(2) The documentation described in this subsection must be in the form of an: (a) Individual education plan (IEP);(b) Individual health plan (IHP);(d) Individualized family service plan (IFSP).(3) The licensee or designee's written plan and all documentation required under this section must be kept in the child's file and a copy submitted to the department.(4) The licensee must keep written documentation on file, signed by the parent or guardian, that a visiting health professional may be providing services to the child at the child care program, if applicable.(5) The licensee must keep written documentation on file that all staff have been trained on how to implement the plan for the individual child.(6) The written plan must be updated annually or when there is a change in the child's special needs.(7) See WAC 170-297-5625 regarding supervision, capacity, and staff-to-child ratios for children with documented special needs.Wash. Admin. Code § 170-297-0050
Statutory Authority: Chapter 43.215 RCW. 12-23-057, § 170-297-0050, filed 11/19/12, effective 12/20/12.