Wash. Admin. Code § 170-297-0001
The department of early learning was established under chapter 265, Laws of 2006. Chapter 43.215 RCW establishes the department's responsibility and authority to set and enforce licensing requirements and standards for licensed child care agencies in Washington state, including the authority to adopt rules to implement chapter 43.215 RCW. The provisions of this chapter governing the physical facility environment, including buildings and other physical structures attached to buildings and premises, do not apply to licensed early learning programs that operate in facilities used by public or private schools. The department regulates only health, safety, and quality standards that do not relate to the physical facility environment for programs operating in facilities used by public or private schools.
Wash. Admin. Code § 170-297-0001
Statutory Authority: Chapter 43.215 RCW. 12-23-057, § 170-297-0001, filed 11/19/12, effective 12/20/12.