Section 16-573-053 - Request for public records(1) All requests for disclosure of public records must be submitted in writing directly to the commission's public records officer by mail to Washington oilseeds commission, 6601 W. Deschutes Ave., Suite C-2, Kenne-wick, WA 99336. The request may also be submitted by fax to 509-585-2671 or by email to: The written request must include: (a) The name, address, and telephone number or other contact information of the person requesting the records;(b) The calendar date on which the request is made; and(c) Sufficient information to readily identify records being requested.(2) Any person wishing to inspect the commission's public records may make an appointment with the public records officer to inspect the records at the commission office during regular business hours. In order to adequately protect the commission's public records, the following will apply:(a) Public records made available for inspection may not be removed from the area the commission makes available for inspection;(b) Inspection of any public record will be conducted in the presence of the public records officer or designee;(c) Public records may not be marked or altered in any manner during the inspection;(d) The commission has the discretion to designate the means and the location for the inspection of records. The viewing of those records that require specialized equipment shall be limited to the availability of that equipment located at the commission's office and the availability of authorized staff to operate that equipment.Wash. Admin. Code § 16-573-053
Adopted by WSR 17-05-031, Filed 2/8/2017, effective 3/11/2017Amended by WSR 19-02-062, Filed 12/28/2018, effective 1/28/2019