Section 16-573-005 - Marketing order for Washington oilseedsPolicy statement(1) The marketing of canola, rapeseed, and mustard (oilseeds) within this state is in the public interest. It is vital to the continued economic well-being of citizens of this state and their general welfare that its canola, rapeseed, and mustard (oilseeds) industry be properly promoted by:(a) Enabling producers of canola, rapeseed, and mustard (oilseeds) to help themselves in establishing orderly, fair, sound, efficient, and unhampered marketing, grading, and standardizing of the oilseeds they produce; and(b) Working towards stabilizing the agricultural industry by increasing production of oilseeds within the state.(2) That it is in the overriding public interest that support for the oilseed industry be clearly expressed, that adequate protection be given to the industry and its activities and operations, and that oilseeds be promoted individually and as part of a comprehensive agricultural industry to:(a) Enhance the reputation and image of Washington state's oilseeds;(b) Increase the sale and use of Washington state's oilseeds in local, domestic, and foreign markets;(c) Protect the public by educating the public in reference to the quality, care, and methods used in the production of Washington state's oilseeds;(d) Increase the knowledge of the qualities and value of Washington state's oilseed products; and(e) Support and engage in programs or activities that benefit the planting, production, harvesting, handling, processing, marketing, and uses of oilseeds produced in Washington state.(3) The director is authorized to implement, administer, and enforce chapter 15.65 RCW through the adoption of this marketing order.(4) The Washington state oilseeds commodity board exists primarily for the benefit of the people of the state of Washington and its economy and, with oversight by the director, the board is authorized to speak on behalf of Washington state government with regard to oilseeds under the provisions of this marketing order.
Wash. Admin. Code § 16-573-005
Amended by RCW. WSR 14-06-050, filed 2/27/14, effective 3/30/2014