Wash. Admin. Code § 16-560-060
Every dealer, handler and processor shall annually, within thirty days following each August 31, file with the Washington tree fruit research commission a report, under oath, on forms prescribed and furnished by said commission, stating the quantity of apples covered by the provisions of the Tree Fruit Research Act handled, shipped or processed by him during the twelve-month period immediately preceding said August 31. Said return shall in addition identify each person from whom said apples were received and the amount of apples furnished by each said person. All said returns shall be submitted directly to the Washington state apple advertising commission as the designated agent for audit and collection of assessments levied on apples pursuant to the provisions of the Tree Fruit Research Act. The above is to conform with RCW 15.26.190.
Wash. Admin. Code § 16-560-060
Order 4, § 16-560-060, filed 7/17/72.