Chapter 16-104 - Shell eggs-Standards, grades and weight classes
- Section 16-104-130 - Washington state standards for quality of individual shell eggs - Application
- Section 16-104-140 - Terms descriptive of the shell
- Section 16-104-150 - Terms descriptive of the air cell
- Section 16-104-160 - Terms descriptive of the white
- Section 16-104-170 - Terms descriptive of the yolk
- Section 16-104-180 - General terms
- Section 16-104-190 - General
- Section 16-104-200 - Grades
- Section 16-104-210 - Summary of grades
- Section 16-104-220 - Weight classes
- Section 16-104-230 - Minimum sample schedule - Egg samples
- Section 16-104-310 - Minimum facility and operating requirements for shell egg grading and packing plants
- Section 16-104-320 - Grading room requirements
- Section 16-104-330 - Cooler room requirements
- Section 16-104-340 - Shell egg protecting operations
- Section 16-104-350 - Shell egg cleaning operations
- Section 16-104-360 - Shipping containers, egg cartons, and packing materials
- Section 16-104-370 - Chemicals and compounds