Section 138-12-070 - Costs of providing copies of public records(1)Copying fees - Payments. The following copy fees and payment procedures apply to requests to the office under chapter 42.56 RCW and received on or after July 23, 2017.(2) Pursuant to RCW 42.56.120(2)(b), the office is not calculating all actual costs for copying records because to do so would be unduly burdensome for the following reasons: (a) The office does not have the resources to conduct a study to determine all its actual copying costs;(b) To conduct such a study would interfere with other essential agency functions; and(c) Through the 2017 legislative process, the public and requestors have commented on and been informed of authorized fees and costs, including for electronic records, provided in RCW 42.56.120(2)(b) and (c), (3), and (4).(3) The office will charge for copies of records pursuant to the default fees in RCW 42.56.120(2)(b) and (c). The office will charge for customized services pursuant to RCW 42.56.120(3). Under RCW 42.56.130, the office may charge other copy fees authorized by statutes outside of chapter 42.56 RCW. The office may enter into an alternative fee agreement with a requestor under RCW 42.56.120(4). The charges for copying methods used by the office are summarized in the fee schedule available on the office's website at Requestors are required to pay for copies in advance of receiving records. Fee waivers are an exception and are at the discretion of the public records officer.(5) The public records officer may require an advance deposit of ten percent of the estimated fees when the copying fees for an installment or an entire request, or customized service charge, exceeds twenty-five dollars.(6) All required fees must be paid in advance of release of the copies or an installment of copies, or in advance of when a deposit is required. The office will notify the requestor of when payment is due.(7) Payment should be made by check or money order to the ombuds office. The office prefers not to receive cash. For cash payments, it is within the public records officer's discretion to determine the denomination of bills and coins that will be accepted.(8) The office will close a request when a requestor fails by the payment date to pay in the manner prescribed for records, an installment of records, or a required deposit.Wash. Admin. Code § 138-12-070
Adopted by WSR 21-20-083, Filed 9/30/2021, effective 10/31/2021