Section 132W-115-070 - Standards of classroom behavior Academic honesty and proper classroom conduct is vital to the very fabric and integrity of the college. All students must comply with an appropriate and sound academic honesty policy and code of honest behavior and classroom conduct policy. All members of the college community are responsible for knowing and understanding the statement on academic honesty and classroom conduct. The statement and procedures will be made readily available to all students and faculty to ensure understanding of the academic honesty system and expected classroom conduct and its proper functioning.
Where suspected violations of the academic honesty system occur, appropriate procedures are designed to protect academic integrity while ensuring due process.
(1) Academic dishonesty: Honest assessment of student performance is crucial to all members of the academic community. Acts of dishonesty are serious breaches of honor and shall be dealt with in the following manner: (a) The college administration and teaching faculty will provide reasonable and prudent security measures designed to minimize opportunities for acts of academic dishonesty that occur at the college.(b) Any student who knowingly submits a fraudulent examination, assignment, or any other academic work product shall have committed an act of academic dishonesty. Acts of academic dishonesty shall be cause for disciplinary action.(c) Any student who aids or abets the accomplishment of an act of academic dishonesty, as described in (b) of this subsection, shall be subject to disciplinary action.(d) This section shall not be construed as preventing an instructor from taking immediate disciplinary action when the instructor is required to act upon such breach of academic dishonesty in order to preserve order and prevent disruptive conduct in the classroom. This action shall also not be construed as preventing an instructor from adjusting the student's grade on a particular project, paper, test, or class grade for academic dishonesty.(2) Classroom conduct: Instructors have the authority to take whatever summary actions may be necessary to maintain order and proper conduct in the classroom and to maintain the effective cooperation of the class in fulfilling the objectives of the course.(a) Any student who substantially disrupts any college class by engaging in conduct that renders it difficult or impossible to maintain class decorum shall be subject to disciplinary action which may include removal from the class.(b) Any college instructor is authorized to take steps necessary to preserve order and to maintain the effective cooperation of the class in fulfilling course objectives; provided that a student shall have the right to appeal such disciplinary action to the chief student services officer or designee.Wash. Admin. Code § 132W-115-070
Amended by WSR 14-09-009, filed 4/4/14, effective 5/5/2014Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 01-12-015, § 132W-115-070, filed 5/25/01, effective 6/25/01.