Section 132U-126-050 - Appeal from disciplinary action(1) The respondent may appeal a disciplinary action by submitting a written appeal with the conduct review officer within ten business days of service. Failure to appeal on or before the deadline constitutes a waiver of the right to appeal and the initial decision shall be deemed final.(2) The written appeal must include a brief statement explaining why the respondent is seeking review.(3) The parties to an appeal shall be the respondent and the conduct review officer.(4) A respondent, who timely appeals a disciplinary action or whose case is referred to the student conduct committee, has a right to a prompt, fair, and impartial hearing as provided for in these procedures.(5) On appeal, the college bears the burden of establishing the evidentiary facts underlying the imposition of a sanction by a preponderance of the evidence.(6) Disciplinary action imposed for violation will not begin while an appeal is pending, except summary suspension and any conditions included in a summary suspension.(7) The student conduct committee shall hear appeals from:(a) Disciplinary suspensions in excess of ten instructional days;(c) Discipline cases referred to the committee by the student conduct officer, the conduct review officer, the president or designee.(8) Appeals to the following sanctions shall be reviewed through brief adjudicative proceedings: (a) Suspension of ten instructional days or less;(b) Disciplinary probation;(c) Written reprimands; and(d) Any conditions or terms imposed in conjunction with one of the three sanctions listed in this subsection.(9) In cases involving allegations of sexual misconduct, the complainant has the right to appeal the following actions by the student conduct officer or designee following the same procedures as set forth in subsection (8)(a) through (d) of this section for the respondent:(a) The dismissal of a sexual misconduct complaint; or(b) Any sanctions and/or conditions imposed against a respondent for a sexual misconduct violation, including a disciplinary warning.(10) If the respondent files an appeal to a decision imposing sanctions for a sexual misconduct violation, the college shall notify the complainant of the appeal and provide the complainant an opportunity to participate as a party to the appeal.(11) Except as otherwise specified in this chapter, a complainant who files an appeal to sanctions or who participates as a party to a respondent's appeal of a disciplinary decision shall be afforded the same procedural rights as are afforded the respondent.Wash. Admin. Code § 132U-126-050
Adopted by WSR 18-17-025, Filed 8/6/2018, effective 9/6/2018Amended by WSR 21-18-100, Filed 8/31/2021, effective 10/1/2021