Section 132Q-10-333 - Student conduct administrative panel decision and notification(1) At the conclusion of the hearings on conduct matters, including closing arguments, and deliberations, the student conduct administrative panel determines by majority vote whether the accused student has violated the standards of conduct for students. If so, the board determines and imposes the appropriate sanctions from WAC 132Q-10-400.(2)The burden of proof that guides the panel's decision is the preponderance of evidence, whether it is more likely than not that the accused student violated the standards of conduct for students.(3)The student conduct officer notifies the parties, and advisors who have appeared, in writing, in person, by mail or electronic mail of the panel's decision. Written notice is sent within ten calendar days from the hearing date. If the college is not in session, this period may be reasonably extended. The board includes in the written notice of the decision the findings and conclusions on all material issues of law, including which, if any, provision of the student conduct code were violated. Any findings based substantially on the credibility of evidence or the demeanor of witnesses shall be so identified, the disciplinary sanctions, and information about the appeal process. The board's initial order shall also include a determination on appropriate discipline, if any. The student conduct officer may notify the student prior to receipt of the formal written notice. The notice, if sent by mail, is sent to the student's last known address.(4) The written decision is the college's initial order. Appeals are governed by WAC 132Q-10-335.(5) If the student does not appeal the board's decision within twenty calendar days from the date of the decision, it becomes the college's final order after twenty-one calendar days.(6)The committee chair shall promptly transmit a copy of the order and the record of the panel's proceedings to the appeals board.Wash. Admin. Code § 132Q-10-333
Adopted by WSR 15-15-161, Filed 7/21/2015, effective 8/21/2015