Section 132N-160-060 - Tuition and fees, waivers(1) Tuition is based on residency requirements (WAC 132N-160-050) and upon chapter 28B.15 RCW, College and university fees. Tuition is set by the Washington state legislature and subject to change. The current tuition fee schedule is listed in the quarterly class schedule.(2) Some course enrollments may also require payment of lab or course fees in addition to or instead of tuition. These fees cover costs such as those associated with consumable supplies, computer software upgrading, and technical lab assistance.(3) Clark College may periodically establish tuition and fee waivers as authorized by state law and by the state board for community and technical colleges. This will be done in accordance with chapter 131-28 WAC.(a) Information regarding specific waivers will be available in the schedule of classes and from the registration office.(b) Upon an applicant's request, individual determinations on tuition and fee waivers will be reviewed by the college registrar, in a brief adjudicative proceeding under RCW 34.05.482 through 34.05.494.Wash. Admin. Code § 132N-160-060
Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. 99-15-017, § 132N-160-060, filed 7/12/99, effective 8/12/99.