Section 132M-139-120 - Additional requirements for noncollege groups(1) The college designates the following area as the sole limited public forum area for use by noncollege groups for expressive activity on campus: Quad area in front of admissions building. The public use area may be scheduled. Scheduled groups have priority of use over unscheduled groups.(2) Noncollege groups that seek to engage in expressive activity on the designated public use area are encouraged to provide notice to the campus public safety office no later than twenty-four hours prior to the event, along with the following information solely to ensure:(a)The area is not otherwise scheduled; and(b)To give the college an opportunity to assess any security needs: (i) The name, address, and telephone number of a contact person for the individual, group, entity, or organization sponsoring the event;(ii) The date, time, and requested location of the event;(iii) The nature and purpose of the event; and(iv) The estimated number of people expected to participate in the event.Wash. Admin. Code § 132M-139-120
Adopted by WSR 18-18-025, Filed 8/27/2018, effective 9/27/2018