Wash. Admin. Code § 132M-126-005
Lower Columbia College is a diverse and dynamic learning community. As such, the college maintains a strong commitment to providing a learning environment that is civil and free from disruptive behavior. All members of the college community share the responsibility to promote a positive learning environment, demonstrate mutual respect and dignity, and avoid adversarial relationships. Thus, students are expected to act as responsible members of this community, maintain a high degree of honesty and integrity, comply with the rules and regulations of the college, and respect the college community's rights, privileges, and property. For allegations of sexual harassment occurring before August 1, 2024, the archived rules apply and can be found here: https://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/law/WACArchive/2023/WAC%20132M-126%20%20CHAPTER.htm
Wash. Admin. Code § 132M-126-005