Chapter 132L-120 - Centralia College - Student rights and responsibilities code
- Section 132L-120-010 - Preamble
- Section 132L-120-015 - Purpose
- Section 132L-120-020 - Definitions
- Section 132L-120-030 - Jurisdiction
- Section 132L-120-040 - General policies
- Section 132L-120-070 - Student rights and freedoms
- Section 132L-120-080 - Student responsibilities
- Section 132L-120-090 - Authority and responsibility for discipline
- Section 132L-120-100 - Definition of disciplinary action
- Section 132L-120-110 - Summary suspension
- Section 132L-120-120 - Initial disciplinary hearing
- Section 132L-120-130 - Judicial board
- Section 132L-120-140 - Appeals of disciplinary action
- Section 132L-120-150 - Hearing procedures before the judicial board
- Section 132L-120-160 - Evidence admissible in hearings
- Section 132L-120-170 - Decision by the judicial board
- Section 132L-120-180 - Appeal to the president
- Section 132L-120-190 - Readmission after dismissal
- Section 132L-120-200 - Review of rules
- Section 132L-120-210 - Membership of review committee
- Section 132L-120-220 - Function of the review committee