Chapter 132F-168 - Access to public records
- Section 132F-168-010 - Access to public records
- Section 132F-168-020 - Purpose
- Section 132F-168-030 - Request for document inspection
- Section 132F-168-040 - Review of denials of public records
- Section 132F-168-050 - Exemptions
- Section 132F-168-060 - Copying
- Section 132F-168-070 - Protection of privacy
- Section 132F-168-075 - Judicial review of agency action (Repealed)
- Section 132F-168-080 - Office hours (Repealed)
- Section 132F-168-090 - Sanctions (Repealed)
- Section 132F-168-100 - Request for inspection of public records-Form 1 (Repealed)
- Section 132F-168-110 - Request for inspection of public records-Form 2 (Repealed)