Section 132F-121-100 - Student conduct generally(1) Pursuant to the authority granted by RCW 28B.50.140 and other applicable law, the district board of trustees hereby establishes the following rules on student conduct and student discipline as the district's student conduct code.(2) This student conduct code applies to every person who is enrolled as a student in the district.(3) Expectations of students. Admission to the district presumes that students will conduct themselves as responsible members of the district community. When students enroll in any of the colleges or facilities operated by the district, they assume the obligation to observe standards of conduct which are appropriate to the pursuit of their educational goals.(4) Student responsibility. Students have the obligations to:(a) Maintain high standards of academic and personal honesty and integrity;(b) Respect the rights of others and cooperate with all parts of the district community to insure that such rights are guaranteed, whether or not the views of those exercising such rights are consistent with their own;(c) Refrain from actions which would interfere with campus functions or endanger the health, safety, welfare or property of others;(d) Comply with district rules and regulations; and(e) Comply with duly constituted civil authority, and obey all applicable laws.Wash. Admin. Code § 132F-121-100
Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.100, 28B.50.130, and/or28B.50.140 . 03-16-015, § 132F-121-100, filed 7/28/03, effective 8/28/03.