Chapter 132F-116 - Traffic rules and regulations
- Section 132F-116-001 - Objectives of parking and traffic rules
- Section 132F-116-002 - Knowledge of parking and traffic rules
- Section 132F-116-003 - Definitions
- Section 132F-116-004 - Severability, savings clause
- Section 132F-116-005 - Delegation of authority
- Section 132F-116-006 - Enforcement of parking and traffic rules
- Section 132F-116-007 - District liability
- Section 132F-116-010 - Traffic rules and regulations
- Section 132F-116-011 - General parking regulations
- Section 132F-116-020 - [Repealed] Parking-Permits and restrictions
- Section 132F-116-030 - Parking-Permits required (Repealed)
- Section 132F-116-035 - Parking-Special exemptions
- Section 132F-116-040 - Authorizations for issuance of permits (Repealed)
- Section 132F-116-041 - Permits required for all motorized vehicles parked on campus
- Section 132F-116-042 - Carpool and disability parking permits
- Section 132F-116-043 - Transfer of parking products limited
- Section 132F-116-044 - Responsibility of person(s) to whom parking product issued
- Section 132F-116-045 - [Repealed] Ticketing and enforcement of traffic and parking rules and regulations
- Section 132F-116-050 - Parking within designated spaces (Repealed)
- Section 132F-116-051 - Display of permits
- Section 132F-116-052 - Allocation of parking spaces
- Section 132F-116-053 - Overtime parking violations
- Section 132F-116-055 - [Repealed] Permit revocations
- Section 132F-116-060 - Display of permits (Repealed)
- Section 132F-116-061 - Parking fees
- Section 132F-116-062 - Parking within designated spaces
- Section 132F-116-063 - Denial or revocation of parking privileges
- Section 132F-116-064 - Parking-Operator's responsibility
- Section 132F-116-065 - [Repealed] Fees and fee payments
- Section 132F-116-066 - Regulatory signs, markings, barricades, etc
- Section 132F-116-067 - Speed
- Section 132F-116-069 - Pedestrian's right of way
- Section 132F-116-070 - Duplicate permits (Repealed)
- Section 132F-116-071 - Motorcycles, bicycles, EPAMDs, and scooters
- Section 132F-116-072 - Issuance of parking citations
- Section 132F-116-073 - Fines, immobilization, and impounding
- Section 132F-116-074 - Appeals of fines, immobilization, and impoundments
- Section 132F-116-075 - [Repealed] Reciprocity of parking privileges
- Section 132F-116-076 - Permit and parking product revocations
- Section 132F-116-077 - Right to appeal revocation
- Section 132F-116-079 - Motorized vehicles-Responsible parties for illegal parking
- Section 132F-116-080 - Responsibility of person issued a permit (Repealed)
- Section 132F-116-085 - [Repealed] Disabled parking
- Section 132F-116-090 - Exceptions from parking restrictions (Repealed)
- Section 132F-116-100 - Parking-Special exemptions (Recodified)
- Section 132F-116-110 - Parking areas and permit designation (Repealed)
- Section 132F-116-120 - Allocation of parking space and priorities (Repealed)
- Section 132F-116-130 - Impounding-Illegal parking-Disabled vehicles (Repealed)
- Section 132F-116-140 - Permit revocations (Recodified)
- Section 132F-116-150 - Fees and fee payments (Recodified)
- Section 132F-116-160 - Reciprocity of parking privileges (Recodified)
- Section 132F-116-170 - Disabled parking (Recodified)