Wash. Admin. Code § 132C-120-035
Student publications and the student press are a valuable aid in establishing and maintaining an atmosphere of free and responsible discussion and of intellectual exploration on the campus. They are a means of bringing student concerns to the attention of the faculty and institutional authorities and of formulating student opinion on various issues on the campus and in the world at large. Financial and legal autonomy is not possible, therefore, Olympic College, as the publisher of student publications, may have to bear the legal responsibility for the contents of the publications. In the delegation of editorial responsibility to students, the institution must provide sufficient editorial freedom and financial autonomy for student publications to maintain their integrity of purpose as vehicles for free inquiry and free expression in an academic community. At the same time, the editorial freedom of student editors and managers entails corollary responsibilities to be governed by the canons of responsibilities such as the avoidance of libel, indecency, undocumented allegations, attacks on personal integrity, and the techniques of harassment and innuendo. As safeguards for the editorial freedom of student publications, the following provisions are necessary:
Wash. Admin. Code § 132C-120-035
Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-035, filed 6/18/85; 80-05-004 (Order 21, Resolution No. 49-0280), § 132C-120-035, filed 4/4/80.