Section 110-730-0050 - Institutional minimum(1) An institutional minimum classification must be assigned to a juvenile if: (a) Indicated by the initial security classification assessment;(b) Indicated by the community placement eligibility requirements unless a recent incident indicates the juvenile no longer meets these requirements; or(c) The assistant secretary for JR or designee approves an override of the medium security classification.(2) Even if eligible under subsection (1) of this section, a juvenile must not receive an institutional minimum security classification if: (a) The assistant secretary for JR, or designee, signs an administrative override disapproving institutional minimum classification and assigning the juvenile a higher security classification; or(b) The juvenile is a sex offender who meets the requirements for civil commitment referral under chapter 71.09 RCW or is classified as a risk level III under RCW 13.40.217.(3) A juvenile classified as institutional minimum security:(a) Must reside in an institution with the capability of at least: (i) Lockable exterior doors or fire exit doors fitted with alarms; and (ii) A security fence or windows without egress.(b) May be permitted: (i) Unescorted movement on facility grounds;(ii) Participation in work crews or other programs outside the facility with a close staff escort;(iii) Unescorted participation in community work, educational and community service programs, and family treatment or other activities to strengthen family ties, for up to sixteen hours per day; and(iv) Authorized leave pursuant to RCW 13.40.205.(4) A juvenile on institutional minimum security must be transferred to minimum security upon the availability of an appropriate community placement if:(a) Ten percent of the juvenile's sentence, and in no case less than thirty days, has been served in a secure facility; and(b) All placement assessment requirements have been met.Wash. Admin. Code § 110-730-0050
WSR 19-14-079, recodified as § 110-730-0050, filed 7/1/19, effective 7/1/19Amended by WSR 20-01-031, Filed 12/6/2019, effective 1/6/2020Statutory Authority: Chapter 72.05 RCW. WSR 00-22-019, recodified as § 388-730-0050, filed 10/20/00, effective 11/20/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.05.400, [72.05.]405, [72.05.]410, [72.05.]415, [72.05.]425, [72.05.]430, [72.05.]435, [72.05.]440, 74.15.210, 13.40.460 and [13.40.]480. WSR 98-18-056, § 275-46-050, filed 8/31/98, effective 9/1/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 13.40.460. WSR 96-18-041, § 275-46-050, filed 8/29/96, effective 9/29/96.