New school orientation session, per person | $150 |
Initial fee for all new institutions of higher education | $10,000 |
Initial fee for all new non-degree postsecondary schools | $2,500 |
Annual fee for all unaccredited institutions of higher education | $10,000 |
Initial fee for out-of-state online institutions of higher education that are not members of NC-SARA | $10,000 |
Renewal fee for out-of-state online institutions of higher education that are not members of NC-SARA | $10,000 |
Renewal fee for all postsecondary schools with an annual gross tuition collected less than $50,000, as recorded on most recent financial statement | $250 |
Renewal fee for all postsecondary schools with an annual gross tuition collected greater than or equal to $50,000 but less than $100,000, as recorded on most recent financial statement | $1,200 |
Renewal fee for all postsecondary schools with an annual gross tuition collected greater than or equal to $100,000 but less than $500,000, as recorded on most recent financial statement | $3,000 |
Renewal fee for all postsecondary schools with an annual gross tuition collected greater than or equal to $500,000 but less than $1,000,000, as recorded on most recent financial statement | $6,000 |
Renewal fee for all postsecondary schools with an annual gross tuition collected greater than or equal to $1,000,000, but less than $5,000,000, as recorded on most recent financial statement | $7,500 |
Renewal fee for all postsecondary schools with an annual gross tuition collected greater than or equal to $5 million, as recorded on most recent financial statement | $10,000 |
Returned check fee | $35 |
Initial or renewed exemption application or request for name acknowledgment or agent registration | $350 |
Nonrefundable administrative fee (withdrawal of application) | $500 non-degree $2,000 institutions of higher education |
Request for change in degree level authorization | $1,000 |
Request duplicate certificate to operate due to school name or address change | $100 |
Request duplicate agent permit, to replace lost, stolen, or misplaced permit | $100 |
Application fee for each additional instructional location | $300 |
Application fee for each additional program, modification to an existing program, or program deletion | $100 |
8 Va. Admin. Code § 40-31-260
Statutory Authority: §§ 23.1-215 and 23.1-224 of the Code of Virginia.