The following words, terms, and abbreviations, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Agent" means a legally authorized representative of the owner.
"ANSI" means the American National Standards Institute.
"ASSE" means the American Society of Sanitary Engineering.
"Backflow" means
"Cistern" means a water storage tank connected to a plumbing system or irrigation system.
"Commissioner" means the State Health Commissioner or the commissioner's designee.
"Contaminant" means an objectionable or hazardous physical, chemical, biological, or radiological substance or matter in water.
"Conveyance system" or "roof drainage system" means the portion of a rainwater harvesting system that directs collected rainwater to the point of untreated rainwater storage, including gutters, downspouts, roof drains, and connectors.
"Cross-connection" means any physical connection or arrangement between two otherwise separate piping systems whereby there exists the possibility for flow from one system to the other, with the direction of flow depending on the pressure differential between the two systems.
"Debris excluder" means a screen or other device installed in the gutter or downspout system to prevent the accumulation of leaves, needles, or other debris in the rainwater harvesting system.
"Department" means the Virginia Department of Health.
"Designer" means a person who is employed or contracted by an owner to design a rainwater harvesting system and holds certification as a designer pursuant to 12VAC5-635-270 C. Owners may be certified to become designers.
"Disinfection" means a process that inactivates or destroys pathogenic organisms in water by use of a disinfectant. A disinfectant is any chemical and physical agent, including chlorine, chlorine dioxide, chloramines, ozone, and ultraviolet light, added to water in any part of the treatment or distribution process for the purpose of killing or inactivating pathogenic organisms.
"Distribution system" means piping and other components carrying water from a rainwater harvesting system to the point of use.
"End use" means the use of water from a rainwater harvesting system.
"End use tier" means a categorization applied to a rainwater harvesting system based on potable or nonpotable water quality; end use; and potential for human contact, including ingestion, inhalation, and skin contact.
"Filtration" means a process for removing particulate matter from water by passage through porous media.
"First flush" means a method for the removal of sediment and debris from the collection surface by diverting initial rainfall from entry into the storage unit.
"Harvested rainwater" means water from precipitation, including snowmelt, that falls on an elevated roof not subject to pedestrian access and is directed through gutters and downspouts to a storage tank prior to contact with the ground.
"Human consumption" means drinking, food preparation, dishwashing, bathing, showering, hand washing, teeth brushing, and maintaining oral hygiene.
"Installer" means the service provider responsible for installation of a rainwater harvesting system in accordance with the construction permit.
"Local health department" means the department established in each city and county in accordance with § 32.1-30 of the Code of Virginia.
"Log reduction" means the removal of organisms expressed on a logarithmic scale. For example, a 99.9% is a 3-log removal; whereas a 99.99% is a 4-log removal.
"Log reduction target" means a level of log removal assigned to an end use tier.
"Maintenance" means performing adjustments to equipment and controls and in-kind replacement of normal wear and tear parts such as light bulbs, fuses, filters, pumps, motors, conveyance subsystem components, or other like components. Maintenance includes pumping the tanks or cleaning the system components, including tanks, on a periodic basis. Maintenance shall not include replacement of water storage units or work requiring a construction permit and an installer.
"Nonpotable water" means water not classified as pure water.
"NSF" means NSF International, formerly known as the National Sanitation Foundation. NSF collaborates with ANSI and Canadian authorities on drinking water standards development. "NSF/ANSI/CAN" is the abbreviation for that collaboration.
"Operation and maintenance manual" means the set of materials and documentation maintained by an owner containing the instructions and information required by 12VAC5-635-350.
"Operator" means a person employed or contracted by an owner to operate and maintain a rainwater harvesting system and holding certification as a designer, installer, or inspector as described in 12VAC5-635-270 C. Owners may be certified to become operators.
"Owner" means any person, individual, corporation, partnership, association, cooperative, limited liability company, trust, joint venture, government, political subdivision, or any other legal or commercial entity and any successor, representative, agent, or instrumentality thereof, who owns, leases, or proposes to own or lease a rainwater harvesting system.
"Point of use" means a point in a domestic water system nearest to a water-consuming plumbing fixture where water is used.
"Potable water" or "pure water" means water fit for human consumption that (i) is sanitary and normally free of minerals, organic substances, and toxic agents in excess of reasonable amounts; (ii) is adequate in quantity and quality for the minimum health requirements of the persons served; and (iii) conforms to potable water standards defined in the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code.
"Precipitation" means water that has precipitated from the atmosphere, including rain, snow, sleet, hail, mist, fog, and dew.
"Rainwater harvesting system" means a water system for collecting, storing, potentially treating, and distributing rainwater for an end use.
"Screen" means a filtration device constructed of corrosion-resistant wire or other approved mesh, having openings in determined sizes.
"Secondary water supply" means an alternate source of water that serves a rainwater harvesting system for the purpose of continuity of water supply.
"Service connection" means the point of delivery of water from a rainwater harvesting system to the distribution system of a user. In the case of a building having multiple independent tenants, each independent tenant is considered a service connection for the purpose of this chapter, regardless of distribution system configuration. In general, a service connection is a single residential unit or commercial space.
"Stormwater" means precipitation that is discharged across the land surface or through conveyances to one or more waterways and that may include stormwater runoff, snow melt runoff, and surface runoff and drainage.
"Treatment" means the use of physical, biological, or chemical means to make water suitable for the intended use.
"Treatment system" or "water treatment system" means the equipment and components used to achieve treatment of rainwater, most commonly filtration and disinfection.
"USBC" means the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (§ 36-97 et seq. of the Code of Virginia).
"Variance" means a conditional waiver of a specific regulation that is granted to a specific owner relating to a specific situation or facility and may be for a specified time period.
"Water storage unit" means a cistern or tank used as the central storage component of the rainwater harvesting system prior to treatment.
"Waterworks" means a system that serves piped water for human consumption to at least 15 service connections or 25 or more individuals for at least 60 days out of the year.
"Written operational record" means the official record of the maintenance and operations of a rainwater harvesting system that contains the items required in 12VAC5-635-330 C.
12 Va. Admin. Code § 5-635-10
Statutory Authority: §§ 32.1-12 and 32.1-248.2 of the Code of Virginia.