In the event that payment is not received by the 20th of the month, the department shall place a notice of nonpayment of contributions in a newspaper of general circulation in the locality of the local employer notifying the employees of such local employer that claims incurred after the end of the current month will not be paid until all outstanding contributions and interest have been paid.
Furthermore, the department reserves the right to collect from a local employer the greater of the monthly contribution or any amounts incurred for claims during a period of nonpayment as well as any other costs related thereto.
Contributions shall always be for full calendar months. Local employees who terminate employment within a calendar month shall have coverage through the end of the month in which they terminate. In the event that a terminating local employee becomes covered under an accident or health plan of another employer prior to the end of the month in which the local employee terminates, this health benefits program shall be a secondary payor to the former local employee's new coverage.
1 Va. Admin. Code § 55-20-240
Statutory Authority: § 2.2-2818 of the Code of Virginia.