80-002 Code Vt. R. 80-210-002-X
The Commission is responsible for the establishment, licensing, regulation, and control of the pari-mutuel system of wagering on horse races for the protection of the public welfare and good order of the people of the State, and to maintain high quality police security at the racetrack. Under the Statutes, the Commission is required in part to:
Make rules and regulations for harness and running horse meets having pari-mutuel pools;
investigate ownership and control in relation to new and/or existing racetracks and agricultural fairs in Vermont before issuing licenses for pari-mutuel horse racing, and only grant licenses when all provisions under the Statutes and Rules and Regulations of the Commission have been complied with;
conduct hearings in regard to the administration of its affairs, investigate all activities under its jurisdiction, issue subpoenas for witnesses, and administer oaths and affirmations;
cause to be fingerprinted, under the direction of the Department of Public Safety, any and all persons working at or in connection with track operation;
employ assistants and employees, and fix their compensation;
encourage and promote the improvement of the breeding of horses in Vermont in cooperation with the University of Vermont.
Inquiries for information should be directed to Vermont Racing Commission, Waterbury, Vermont 05602, or to the Commissioners or Secretary of State.
Amended: October 27, 1980
Interim reports must be submitted to the Commission and must include all operations for the current period up to and including the last day of the meet. These interim reports must be filed with the Commission within 30 days after the close of the meeting.
Annual reports are to include all operations for the association's calendar year and must be filed with the Commission within 50 days after the end of the calendar year.
All reports must be verified under oath by at least two of the association's principal officers, and by persons preparing the reports.
Amended, Eff. 6-29 -85
Amended: June 9, 1977
The Commission, shall in all cases, require the following statement on the program: "This race meet is conducted under the jurisdiction and Rules and Regulations of the Vermont Racing Commission." (Insert names of Commissioners).
Within 50 days after the end of its calendar year each such person, firm, association, or group, shall submit to the Commission verified financial statements, including a balance sheet and a statement of Profit and Loss, showing the combined operations for that year and the results of such operations for each specific race meeting at which he, they, or it conducted business during the year.
(Amended Eff. 7-29-84)
Owner, Greyhound | $ 20.00 |
Trainer, Greyhound | 20.00 |
Ass't. Trainer, Greyhound | 20.00 |
Kennel Name, Greyhound | 25.00 |
Authorized Agent, Greyhound | 20.00 |
Partnership, Greyhound | 20.00 |
Veterinarian, Greyhound | 20.00 |
Kennel Helper, Greyhound | 5.00 |
Officials, Greyhound | 20.00 |
Including Judges | |
Paddock Judge | |
Patrol Judge | |
Racing Secretary | |
Director of Racing | |
Clerk of Scales | |
Chart Writer | |
Kennel Master | |
Timer | |
Starter | |
Operator of Mechanical Lure | |
Officials -- Association (Administrative, | |
Supervisory, and Security); Concessionaire; | |
Racing; Specialized Services | |
and Staff | 20.00 |
Employees, Pari-Mutuel | 10.00 |
Employees, Association-Concession | 5.00 |
Duplicate License | 5.00 |
The fee shall be paid at the time of filing of the application. No application for an occupational license shall be accepted unless accompanied by such necessary fee. An amateur is required to take out a certificate.
(Amended 7-29-84)
As a part of the registering of any such group a statement must be signed by an authorized officer of the group that the group agrees to abide by the Laws and Constitution of the State of Vermont and the Rules and Regulations of the Vermont Racing Commission.
(Amended, Eff. 8-15-79)
(Amended, Eff. 8-15-79)
The following definitions and interpretations shall apply in the rules unless text otherwise requires:
(Amended 10/26/77)
Chart Writer Duties
Purposed Rule 876.
Program or form sheet must carry at least two past performance lines of said greyhound at the track where it is to race unless one of the following conditions apply:
Only past performance lines from ARCI, Inc. are acceptable. Failure to produce or the deletion of past performance lines for fraudulent practices shall result in a fine or suspension of license.
Clerk of Scales--Duties
Judges -- Authority and Duties
Paddock Judge
Racing Secretary -- Duties
Starter -- Duties
Timer -- Duties
Authorized Agent
Kennel Names
Partnerships -- Registration Of
Owners and Trainers
Veterinarian -- Duties
Dead Heats
Purposed Rule 1005.
All race entries shall be considered official upon determining the post positions and filing said results with the Racing Commission office at the track and the posting of said races in the paddock area. The official draw sheet as signed and witnessed shall be filed with the Racing Commission office at the track.
In purse races, there shall be at least six (6) greyhounds of completely different ownership. No trainer or owner shall have more than two (2) greyhounds in any race excepting in stakes or sweepstakes, without the permission of the Commission. Double entries will not be used in daily doubles, twin trifecta, or super fecta races. In all other purse races, the following conditions shall apply; no double entries shall be allowed until all single interests are used and double entries shall be uncoupled for wagering purposes.
Lead-Outs -- Duties
Post Position
Rule 1047.
The post position of greyhounds in starting shall be assigned by lot or drawing, supervised by the Commission Judge and Racing Secretary, at a time and place properly posted in the paddock, at least one day previous to the running of the race, and in the presence of at least one (1) trainer, assistant trainer, or kennel owner.
Qualifying Time
The Race
Weights and Weighing
# 1090.
There will be five (5) grades for experienced greyhounds: A, B, C, D, E and three other grades of races: S, T, and M. Grade A shall be the highest classification and Grade E shall be the lowest classification. Grade T indicates mixed and special races and Grade S indicates stakes and sweepstakes races. Grade S may be of mixed grades. Grade M refers to Maiden classification which indicates greyhounds that have not won an official race.
Purposed Rule 1093.
Greyhounds which finish farther back than third, three (3) consecutive times while in the same grade, shall be lowered one (1) grade.
Uniform Certificate of Lease
The registry and record keeping agency shall be self funding, insofar as is practicable, and shall be authorized to charge reasonable fees for their services to attain this objective.
A greyhound shall not be entered for racing or schooling at any official track unless it has been tatooed and registered in the NGA stud book and the last six performance lines, if applicable, and the racing history of the greyhound are made available to the Racing Secretary from the Greyhound Information System.
The NGA breeding registry shall furnish to the Greyhound Information System when such greyhounds are registered and named the necessary and proper information. A reasonable fee per start (80 [cent]) shall be deducted from the weekly purses by the track and paid to the greyhound Information System.
Every official track shall submit a copy of the official chart of each of its races to the Greyhound Information System.
The Vermont Racing Commission shall have access at all times to the NGA Breeding Registry and transfer files and to the Greyhound Publications Inc. Information System. (Added 10/26/77)
Rule No. 1096
The racing secretary shall provide the judges, within ten days of the end of the race meet, a list of all greyhounds which ran at the race meet.
Rule No. 1097
The kennel operator must provide the board of judges, within ten days of the end of the race meet or the greyhound's removal from racing at the race meet, a written notification of the disposition of each greyhound that raced during the race meet.
80-002 Code Vt. R. 80-210-002-X
AMENDED: November 1977
February 1980 (Secretary of State Rule Log #90-1)
AUTHORITY: 31 V.S.A. §§ 601 and 626