30-3300 Code Vt. R. 30-000-3300-X
For the purposes of this rule, the following definitions apply:
Except at the request of the ratepayer or upon order of the Commission, no utility shall disconnect residential service of gas, electric, or water unless payment of a valid bill or charge is delinquent and notice of disconnection has been furnished to the ratepayer, as provided in this rule.
A company must make every reasonable attempt with respect to each potentially affected dwelling unit to deliver a notice three days prior to the scheduled disconnection to at least one adult occupant of that dwelling unit or mail a notice to the tenant of that dwelling unit. In buildings where service to two or more units is to be disconnected because of a landlord's request or non-payment, the utility must also post the notice in a secure and obvious place in the affected building or buildings.
The notice must, in addition to the applicable disclosures of Section 3.303, inform the tenant how service can be continued. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3.301(C), a disconnection notice containing a newly established disconnection date shall be provided to the tenant at least ten days prior to the newly established disconnection date. If the disconnection is due to the failure of the landlord to pay an overdue amount, the landlord shall be responsible for usage during the additional ten-day notice period.
A utility must offer the tenant the opportunity either to obtain service in the tenant's name or to otherwise assume responsibility for further payment. If the building has a single master meter for the whole building the utility must make arrangements where possible to provide individual meters to separate dwelling units. Where the wiring and metering arrangements allow, the utility must provide service upon request of the tenant. The utility may not require the tenant to pay any of the bill owed to the utility by the landlord.
If the utility disconnects a household because it is not aware that the household is occupied by the tenant, and the landlord is responsible for payment of the utility bill, the utility must reinstate service upon notification from the tenant. Under such circumstances, the utility shall not require advance payment of any deposit, and the customer shall have the option of paying the deposit, if required, in three equal payments, with one third due in fifteen days, one third due in thirty days and one third due in sixty days.
The notice form required under Section 3.302 and defined in Section 3.301 shall contain the following information:
No gas or electric utility may disconnect service to any residential ratepayer between November 1 and March 31, inclusive, unless, in addition to complying with all other requirements of this rule, the utility has complied with the following:
Disconnection of utility service shall occur only between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 2.00 P.M. of the business day, specified on the notice of disconnection, or within four business days thereafter between April 1 and October 31, inclusive, and within eight days thereafter between November 1 and March 31, inclusive; provided, however, if a company has available personnel authorized to reconnect service and enter into arrangements on behalf of the utility until 8:00 P.M. of a normal business day, the utility may disconnect service between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. When service is disconnected at the premises of the ratepayer, which shall include disconnection at a pole at or near the premises of the ratepayer, the individual making the disconnection shall immediately inform a responsible adult on the premises that service has been disconnected, or if no responsible adult is then present, such individual shall leave on the premises in a conspicuous and secure place a notification advising that service has been disconnected and what the ratepayer has to do to have service restored.
30-3300 Code Vt. R. 30-000-3300-X
AMENDED: January 2, 1990; July 21, 2006; December 2017 [agency name change from Public Service Board; rule renumbered from 30 000 004]
Statutory authority not provided.