20-016 Code Vt. R. 20-022-016-X
Pursuant to Section 1405, No. 78 of the Acts of 1963, the following regulations have been promulgated and shall apply to Hog Cholera control and eradication within the State of Vermont effective September 1, 1963:
Whenever a veterinarian or person engaged in the inspection of animals or the owner or caretaker has suspicion of or reason to believe that swine are affected with hog cholera he shall forthwith make a report by telephone to the livestock division.
If the Commissioner has reason to believe that the best interests of the state require it he may, prior to inspection, impose a quarantine on any animals within the state for a period of not more than ten days. During such period the Commissioner may conduct reasonable inspection and tests to determine whether the quarantine should be continued under the regulations promulgated under 6 V.S.A., Section 603.
When inspection reveals that swine have been fed uncooked garbage such swine shall be assumed to be exposed to hog cholera and shall be restricted to such premise until such swine have been fed cooked garbage or grain for at least 30 consecutive days, as may be determined by state or federal inspectors, or until such time as the Commissioner may determine that the swine fed uncooked garbage have not contracted hog cholera.
Feeding uncooked garbage shall be subject to the penalties of V.S.A., Chapter 113, Section 1677.
Carcasses of infected animals shall be disposed of as directed by the Commissioner or his authorized representative.
A person shall not import, bring or cause to brought, or ship or cause to be shipped into this state, any swine unless such animals are accompanied by a health certificate signed by a veterinarian whose competency and reliability are certified to by the authority charged with the control of livestock sanitary matters in the state or country from which the animals are moved. A copy of such health certificate shall be at once forwarded to the Commissioner. V.S.A., Title 6, Chapter 107, Section 1465.
Swine shall be identified by ear tag or by other means as may be prescribed by the Commissioner.
All cattle and other domestic animals which are infected with or have been exposed to foot and mouth disease or vesicular exanthema of swine or other virulent contagious disease shall be destroyed when the Commissioner of Agriculture deems it necessary for the protection of the health of cattle or other domestic animals and in the public interest. Such animals shall be destroyed and their carcasses disposed of as the Commissioner shall direct. (T6, Ch. 105, Sect. 1401)
The owner of animals which are found by the Commissioner to be infected with or exposed to foot and mouth disease, vesicular exanthema or other virulent diseases, shall, if such animals are slaughtered in accordance with the provisions of these regulations and as directed by the Commissioner, be reimbursed to the extent that federal and state funds are available as provided in regulation section 1403 of this title. T6, Ch. 105, Sec. 1402.
The value of all animals killed under the provisions of this chapter shall be first appraised by the owner there of and the Commissioner of Agriculture or his agent. In the event of disagreement as to the amount of the appraisal, a third disinterested person shall be selected by them to act with them and appraise such animals and a determination of a majority as to the appraised value shall be final. Swine shall be appraised at their market value.
In making such appraisal, the fact that the animals have been condemned for disease shall not be considered, but in no case shall the appraisal for a single animal exceed the sum of $ 200.00, except oxen and registered cattle, in which case the limit of appraisal shall be $ 300.00, and a certificate of registration of such registered animals shall be furnished the Commissioner or his agent at the time of appraisal. T6 Ch. 105, Sec. 1403.
Within sixty days after the slaughter of animals condemned under the provisions of this chapter, the state shall pay the owner the appraised value less any sum received as salvage, less the sum to be received by the owner from the United States Department of Agriculture. T6 Ch. 105, Sec. 1404.
Became Rule: September 15, 1963
20-016 Code Vt. R. 20-022-016-X
Effective Date: October 1963