Suspension of licenses: Enforcement of Child Support Orders. 15 V.S.A. § 798
For the purposes of child support suspensions, the term "license" shall include a person's operator license, junior operator license, learner permit, privilege to operate, or right to apply for an operator or junior operator license or learner permit.
Suspension notices shall be sent to the person's last known address as contained in the files of the Motor Vehicle Department and, if applicable, to any different address contained on the court order.
In addition, copies of the suspension notice shall be mailed to the Motor Vehicle Department of another state or states, if the records of the Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles and/or the court order indicates that (s)he has an address or addresses in another state or states.
Child support suspensions shall become effective 15 days after the date the notice of suspension is mailed.
All notices of compliance with a child support order shall be upon a standard compliance form, as devised and approved by the court, OCS, and this Department.
If the motion for the court order was brought by OCS (Office of Child Support), then notice of compliance shall only be accepted from OCS or the court-If the motion for the court order was brought by the custodial parent, then notice of compliance shall only be accepted from the custodial parent, custodial parent's attorney, or the court.
If the notice of compliance was dated before the effective date of the suspension, the suspension shall be canceled and removed from the person's record, and any reinstatement fee refunded.
Notices of reinstatement shall be issued no later than five (5) business days from the date the department is notified of compliance.
If the person suspended requests an administrative hearing on the suspension with this
Department, the decision upholds the suspension, and the person then appeals the decision of the hearing to superior court, the Hearing Division of this Department shall inform OCS or the court of such appeal.
Departmental personnel shall direct all inquiries from persons seeking reinstatement to the court or the Office of Child Support (if OCS was the entity which brought the motion for suspension before the court).
14-046 Code Vt. R. 14-050-046-X