14-009 Code Vt. R. 14-050-009-X

Current through August, 2024
Section 14 050 009 - HIGHWAY USE PERMITS



Applications for Motor Truck Highway Use Permits shall be made upon a form prescribed by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles and shall contain such information as the Commissioner may require.

One permit only is required for a combination of truck and trailer or tractor and trailer. The Highway Use Permit plate is to be attached to the front of the truck or tractor.

In completing Highway Use Permit applications, the gross registered weight shown must be the sum of the weight of the vehicle or combination plus the weight of the heaviest load allowed to be carried by home state of registration. However, no vehicle or combinations of vehicles may be operated in excess of the maximum load limits permitted upon Vermont highways.

A photostatic copy of the motor truck registration certificate must be submitted with each application for a Vermont Highway Use Permit.

Monthly Reports

Monthly Highway Use Reports must be submitted to the department Permit Section on or before the fifteenth (15th) of each month whether or not entries were made into the State of Vermont during the previous month. It is required that each report list each Vermont Highway Use Permit plate number indicating those vehicles that did not enter the state, as well as those that did enter. Reports must be filed in the name of the Permit Holder. Reports filed under any other name will not be accepted and will not be credited. A combination of months on a single report form must be filed for each month.

Emergency Permits

When the Commissioner, for emergency purposes, and as provided by statute, authorizes the operation of a motor truck by telegram, the plate must be attached and the certificate placed in the vehicle within seven (7) days of the date giving initial authority to enter. Emergency permits are for emergency operations only, and may be ordered not prior to the last working day before the vehicle's scheduled entrance into the State of Vermont. If the emergency is cancelled, the department's Highway Use Section must be notified before the emergency telegram expires. Otherwise, the proper entry fee must be paid. A photostatic copy of the home state truck registration must be forwarded to the Permit Section within two (2) weeks of the date of issue of an emergency permit.

Single Trip Permit

Single trip permits are now authorized by statute and will be issued subject to proper application and fee.


Anyone wishing to receive a Highway Use Permit plate must include the following information in the telegram or message received by the Permit Section:

Complete name and address of the Permit Holder if different

Complete name and address of the registered owner

Year of vehicle

Make of vehicle

Manufacturer's full identification number

Gross registered weight

State of registration

Type of truck, 2 axles, 3 axles or truck tractor

Permission to sign application

Correct fee

If a single trip permit is being requested, in addition to all of the information, included also must be origin of trip - (City and State); Actual destination (City and State); Date of Entry.

If authorization is to be forwarded by telegram (emergency purposes provisions), included also must be the address where the return wire is to be sent.

If any of the above information is deleted, no permit can be issued.


Upon termination of operation in the State of Vermont, or upon sale of the motor truck to which a permit has been issued, the Highway Use Permit plate and certificate must be returned to the department for cancellation. Highway Use Permit plates are not transferrable.

Failure to comply with any of the Highway Use Permit requirements, including the filing of monthly reports, may result in the revocation of the Highway Use Permit.

14-009 Code Vt. R. 14-050-009-X

Effective Date: October 29, 1981 (SOS Rule Log #81-73)