Rule R850-140 - Development Property
- Section R850-140-100 - Authorities
- Section R850-140-200 - Purpose of Development Property Rules
- Section R850-140-250 - Definitions
- Section R850-140-300 - Designation of Development Property
- Section R850-140-350 - Planning
- Section R850-140-400 - Development Transactions - General Provisions
- Section R850-140-500 - Development Transactions - Approval of Minor Development Transactions
- Section R850-140-600 - Development Transactions - Approval of Major Development Transactions
- Section R850-140-700 - Amendments to Development Transactions
- Section R850-140-800 - Supporting Transactions
- Section R850-140-900 - Deviation from Rules
- Section R850-140-1000 - Exemption From Rules