Rule R850-11 - Procurement
- Section R850-11-100 - Authorities
- Section R850-11-150 - Purposes
- Section R850-11-200 - Definitions
- Section R850-11-300 - Professional or Legal Services
- Section R850-11-400 - Bidding Procedures - Other Procurements
- Section R850-11-450 - Bidding Procedures - Large Contracts
- Section R850-11-500 - Sole Source Procurements
- Section R850-11-600 - Real Estate Brokerage Services
- Section R850-11-700 - Debt and Equity Investments
- Section R850-11-800 - Documentation
- Section R850-11-900 - Bonding for Construction Services
- Section R850-11-1000 - Conflicts of Interest
- Section R850-11-1100 - Appeals