Basic reserves shall be calculated as the greater of the segmented reserves and the unitary reserves. Both the segmented reserves and the unitary reserves for a policy shall use the same valuation mortality table and selection factors. At the option of the insurer, in calculating segmented reserves and net premiums, either of the adjustments described in Subsection (1)(a) or (1)(b) may be made.
Basic reserves may not be less than the tabular cost of insurance for the balance of the policy year, if mean reserves are used. Basic reserves may not be less than the tabular cost of insurance for the balance of the current modal period or to the paid-to-date, if later, but not beyond the next policy anniversary, if mid-terminal reserves are used. The tabular cost of insurance shall use the same valuation mortality table and interest rates as used for the calculation of the segmented reserves. If select mortality factors are used, they shall be the ten-year select factors incorporated into the 1980 amendments of the NAIC Standard Valuation Law. In no case may total reserves, including basic reserves, deficiency reserves, and any reserves held for supplemental benefits that would expire upon contract termination, be less than the amount that the policyowner would receive, including the cash surrender value of the supplemental benefits, if any, referred to above, exclusive of any deduction for policy loans, upon termination of the policy.
Utah Admin. Code R590-198-5