Subchapter C - [Effective 1/2/2025] HEARINGS NOT DOCKETED AT SOAH
- Section 43.201 - Applicability
- Section 43.202 - Form of Pleadings
- Section 43.203 - Filing of Pleadings and Amendments
- Section 43.204 - Briefs
- Section 43.205 - Motions
- Section 43.206 - Discovery
- Section 43.207 - Notice of Hearing and Other Action
- Section 43.208 - Agreements to be in Writing
- Section 43.209 - Motion for Consolidation
- Section 43.210 - Additional Parties
- Section 43.211 - Appearance and Representation
- Section 43.212 - Lead Counsel
- Section 43.213 - Powers of the Administrative Law Judge
- Section 43.214 - Prehearing Conference and Orders
- Section 43.215 - Conduct of Hearing
- Section 43.216 - General Admissibility
- Section 43.217 - Exhibits
- Section 43.218 - Pre-filed Direct Testimony in Disability Appeal Proceedings
- Section 43.219 - Limit on Number of Witnesses
- Section 43.220 - Failure to Appear
- Section 43.221 - Conduct and Decorum at Hearing
- Section 43.222 - Official Notice
- Section 43.223 - Recording of the Hearing; Certified Language Interpreter
- Section 43.224 - Dismissal without Hearing
- Section 43.225 - Summary Disposition
- Section 43.226 - The Record
- Section 43.227 - Findings of Fact
- Section 43.228 - Reopening of Hearing