Current through Reg. 49, No. 49; December 6, 2024
Section 7.5212 - Construction Work in Progress(a) A utility may be permitted to include CWIP in its rate base only where necessary to the financial integrity of the utility. CWIP shall be deemed necessary to the financial integrity of a utility only where shown by clear and convincing evidence that its inclusion is necessary in order to maintain a sufficient financial liquidity so as to meet all capital obligations and to allow the utility to raise needed capital or is necessary to prevent the impairment of a utility's service. A mere averment or demonstration that exclusion of CWIP would result in an increase in the cost of funds to the utility or general assertions that the financial integrity of the utility would be impaired shall not be deemed sufficient to permit such inclusion.(b) A utility permitted to include CWIP pursuant to this section shall utilize as a rate base amount the expenditures for such projects as are reflected on its books as of the test year. The amount shall be determined in a manner consistent with the calculation of other rate base information to reflect a uniform treatment of the test year items.16 Tex. Admin. Code § 7.5212
The provisions of this §7.5212 adopted to be effective July 29, 2002, 27 TexReg 6687